Saturday, February 16, 2013

Topic: EDSE459 TRIMESTER 1 2013

Order Description

Assignment 1: Teaching for progression
Length: 2000 words

Assessment guidance
For this assignment you should:

1.Identify a specific concept area from the NSW K-6 Science and Technology syllabus (e.g. sound, electricity, plant structure)- (See Attached Syllabus Please)

2.Identify the science (conceptual) knowledge that a teacher would need to teach this concept area;

3.Identify possible children’s questions and possible misconceptions related to the concept area;

4.Develop FOUR (4) lessons for different aged children (K-6) in a school – ONE (1) lesson for a class from each of the stages ES1 (K), S1 (Y1&2), S2 (Y3&4) & S3 (Y5&6).

5.Provide a justification of your activities with reference to appropriate literature. In particular, explain how they incorporate constructivist principles, address the developmental needs of children as they progress through primary school and cater for any safety issues that may be important. ��Normal’ classroom activities will not have extra safety implications. Activities that are potentially hazardous, such as heating materials, should be supervised or demonstrated under safe conditions, while any outdoor visits require a safety risk assessment. If safety issues are significant, you should provide a risk assessment, which can be located in the appendix, but it must be labelled and referred to in the text.

6.Try each activity yourself and include a digital photo of this (try it out with children if you can, but that is not essential).

Assignment Presentation
Use the following five subheadings to structure your assignment:

1.Concept area and how it is relevant to children
2.Scientific knowledge required for teacher
3.Children’s questions/misconceptions
4.Lesson plans (including any safety issues)
5.Justification of teaching approach
6.Evidence of trying out activity

For the Lesson plan section (part 4 above):

A possible structure for each of the four lesson plans in the Lesson plan section could be:

•Title (preferably something fun that young children can relate to);
•Syllabus Outcome: Note: while the Syllabus Outcomes must be directly drawn from the syllabus you may create your own Lesson Outcomes to fit with your particular lesson plan.
•Resources (e.g. list of necessary equipment)
•Activity(ies). This should comprise a ��hands on’ activity for each stage that helps children develop their conceptual understanding of the area – brainstorming and or web-based research can form part of the lesson but CANNOT be the central or core activity.
•Assessment (could be observation of students, or a more formal form of assessment such as a test)

General examples of conceptual areas and how they might be developed

If the concept area was ��Living Things’ you could use the following sequence:

ES1 Identify the things animals need to survive from pictures or a chart
S1 Record changes in growth of a plant or animal
S2 Sort objects into living and non-living
S3 Designs a model animal to survive in a hypothetical environment
Note: It is fine to use individual activities sourced from the web or elsewhere AS LONG AS YOU ACKNOWLEDGE THEIR SOURCE AND DESCRIBE THEM IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

Use of an appendix
The main text must provide the substance of your assignment, and markers will expect the assessment criteria to be addressed within the main text. However, you may wish to include appendix material as supporting evidence for your main text. Use of an appendix is not a requirement, but it may give you an opportunity to build up resources to support your future teaching. Such appendix material could include, for example: a detailed outline of the chosen activities (though the main text must contain the main elements); supplementary, follow on activities; a detailed risk assessment, if needed; and, details of any background extra material that supports the activities.

As appendix material is supplementary to your assignment, it will not be included in the word count. Note also that the reference list will also not be included in the word count, so the word allowance (with 10% leeway) is fully available for the main part of the assignment.

All appendices must be clearly labelled and briefly referred to in the main text.

Please ensure that the main text includes all the material you wish to present to answer the assignment criteria.

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