Friday, June 28, 2013

The Constitution and the Founding

The Constitution and the Founding

Answer the questions fully. Explain, describe and give detail where appropriate.
1) The values and goals held by the framers of the Constitution were strongly shaped by their two previous political experiences:being ruled by the British monarchy and their own government under the Article of Confederation. What were the principal lessons they learned from each of these experiences? How did these lessons impact the goals of the Constitution’s framers? (See pages 25-27)
2) What were the different factions represented at the Constitutional Convention? How did the differences between them shape the Constitution? Give at least three specific examples to support your answer. (See pages 27-31)
3)What does the "tyranny of the majority" mean? Why did James Madison consider it a potential problem? What did the framers of the Constitution ultimately do to prevent majority tyranny? (See pages 31-36)
4)Describe how the separation of powers system uses checks and balances to limit the power of the federal government.( See pages 38-42) CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS ESSAY!!!!

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