Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Find a text that presents a critique of ideological (naturalized or common-sense) understandings of social relations, and present an analysis (interpretation and evaluation) of that critique

Find a text that presents a critique of ideological (naturalized or common-sense) understandings of social relations, and present an analysis (interpretation and evaluation) of that critique.
Your chosen text can take any form (written text, image, video, audio) and may come from any source (mainstream media, Internet, “user-generated” content, scholarly books or journals). The main criterion to keep in mind when choosing your text is that it must offer a critique of common-sense understandings of social relations. The only other criterion to consider is length: please don’t choose a text as long as a feature film or a book, unless you have confirmed with your tutor that it is acceptable. If you have any doubts about the suitability of your text, check with your tutor.
Although you do not have to address them one by one, you should use the following questions to get you thinking and to help guide your analysis of the text’s critique:
—How did you react to the text the first time you encountered it?
—What mode of critique does the text deploy? Is it a “straight” critique (critical argument), or is it more “playful” (satire, irony, parody) or “conceptually creative” (theoretical speculation, conceptual art)?
—What ideological (naturalized or commonsensical) idea or practice is the text seeking to challenge or critique? What evidence or examples can be given to show that this idea is in fact widely taken for granted? What makes this idea or practice ideological — an example of “our most sure ways of knowing, doing and thinking” (see “What Is Critique?” from Topic 1.3)?
—What specific critical points (or effects) does the text present? How, specifically, does it make these points/effects? CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS ESSAY!!!!
—What alternative viewpoint/position is offered or implied in place of the naturalized understanding that is being challenged by the critique? Does the critique go beyond “fault-finding, negative evaluation, legitimate rejection or condemnation” (see “What Is Critique?”)?
—How effective or successful is the critique? What are the conceptual, political or existential implications of the critique? How does the critique make you think differently about the ideas being challenged?
Your response to this task does not need to be presented as a formal essay. While your discussion should be sufficiently organized and orderly as to present your points clearly and coherently, do not let concerns about formal introductions and conclusions, etc. distract you from the task at hand. (You are allowed to say “I”, for example.) Furthermore, while you are encouraged to make reference to academic sources where you feel they may help you to make your case, there is no formal requirement to do so for this task.
Assessment One Marking Criteria CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS ESSAY!!!!
Your assignment will be marked according to the extent to which you:
—Choose a media text that presents a critique of naturalised or common-sense ideas and practices — does your chosen text offer a critique of ideological assumptions (“our most sure ways of knowing, doing and thinking”), as distinct from simple fault-finding or negative evaluation?
—Identify and explain the ideological nature of the ideas or practices being challenged by your chosen text — have you explained how those ideas or practices are ideological?
—Explain how, and evaluate how successfully, your chosen text presents its critique of those ideological understandings or practices — have you identified the specific devices or strategies the text uses to make its critical points?
—Present your ideas in a clear and coherent fashion; edit and proof your writing to ensure you have written clear, well-structured, grammatically correct and error-free sentences and paragraphs; and format your work in conformity with the presentation standards detailed under formatting on page 13 of the outline. CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS ESSAY!!!!

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