Friday, July 12, 2013


Please read the attached file – pg. 536 – 542; 12.1 ("Introduction" to Chapter 12 titled "Who Am I?") and 12.2 ("There Is No Self") – carefully and critically.
The page divisions for the assignment:
[Pages 1-3]
Briefly talk about the introduction to the chapter – summarize section 12.1.
Then read section 12.2 ("There Is No Self") and answer the following questions:
- What is the thesis (the central idea or main point) of section 12.2?
- What are the major points made in developing and supporting the thesis of section 12.2?
- How are the key terms defined in section 12.2?
- What are the basic assumptions made by the author in section 12.2?
- What are the important implications of the author’s position in section 12.2?
[Pages 4-6]
Answer the following questions about section 12.2:
- Is what is said clear? If not, how is it unclear?
- Are adequate definitions given for important conceptions? Can you think of counterexamples?
- Are the arguments adequate to support the claims; for example, are the premises true? the assumptions dubious?
- Do the implications of the text lead to absurd or false consequences?
- Are important aspects of the issue overlooked?
- How well did the author accomplish her or his goal?
[Pages 7-8]
Conclusion. Answer the following questions:
- Who do you think wins the debate, Nagasena or King Menander? Why?
- What unanswered questions do these readings leave you with? What do you think would be good answers to your questions?

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