Wednesday, August 28, 2013

conflict situation

Use the completion of your learning guide to help you write your 1500 word Reflective assignment on a conflict situation you have encountered in the past two years. Preferably in a workplace situation but this could be from anywhere, as conflict can occur in at environment where there are differences of opinions.
1.First Part
The factors that led to this conflict How it was managed The outcome ofthe conflict. This section is about 300 Words only
2. Second Part
On reflection, how could it have been managed differently so that a win-win situation can be achieved? Include in your discussion the following aspects of conflict management:
Maintenance of professional integrity
Consideration of all participants’ needs
A focus on behavior, rather than emotions
A demonstration of active listening skills
Opportunities to voice concerns by all participants
Third Part
The importance of evaluating your actions and concluding remarks
You are expected to reference from at least five sources of material. Please refer to our Reference materials booklet as well as additional textbooks. Please reference within the text of your essay “in-text referencing”

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