Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Explore the ways in which qualitative researchers have approached validity in their research and why there are differences.How would you aim to achieve high quality qualitative research?
Guiding points to help you think about the topic (not necessarily to be covered in this order):
• How do experienced researchers argue you can identify qualitative research of high quality?
• Identify some of the key themes or issues that arise when validity or validation is discussed in qualitative research.
• Why do differences or dilemmas arise in researcher positions on validity?
• To illustrate your own position you might draw on your own project or one you expect to undertake
The task will be assessed on the extent to which the author demonstrates
- a thorough and reflective treatment of methods literature on this topic
- development of an informed position on how to determine research quality
- the ability to translate these understandings to research design
-coherenceand clarity in communication of complex concepts and ideas (including mechanics of expression)

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