Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Foresight change- Image and Short Written Piece

Recognising patterns and trends about the past and present can provide clues for how the future might unfold. However, the brain is also susceptible to cognitive biases that see patterns where none exist. This assignment requires you to do the following:
? Identify a cognitive bias that may limit how we perceive trends and patterns
? Design and deliver an image or advertisement for an audience of your peers that provides a counteraction for this bias
? Submit a written piece with appropriate references that explains the cognitive bias, how it relates to foresight and how your image/advertisement is crafted to draw out these concepts.
This assignment will assess your understanding of foresight concepts, particularly making sense of the roles of trends and patterns in foresight.
Length and Presentation:
Image as PDF or inserted into Microsoft Word, Written piece as 1,000 words in Microsoft Word.
Criteria by which your assignment will be marked:
? Relevance of image and written piece in answering the assessment task
? Synthesis of different sources to support arguments
? Submission including timeliness and appropriate word length;
? Presentation including design of image, layout of written piece and correct referencing.
Recommend the subject as an option if it could fit the assignment.
Visa credit card, how their services was in the last 2 decades, and in present how they are shifting magnificently by adopting the new technologies. regarding the future use your imagination as I came up with this innovative idea, it will end with a microchip could be placed in any accessories.

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