Sunday, August 11, 2013

Practical report

Task 1
1. Alphabetic list of all actions and their frequency by any selected user, e.g. USER-040.
5 Excellent report of all actions summarized by frequency for selected user
4 Very good report of all actions summarized by frequency for selected user
3 Good report of all actions summarized by frequency for selected user
2.5 Average report of all actions summarized by frequency for selected user
2 Poor report of all actions summarized by frequency for selected user
1 Very poor report of all actions summarized by frequency for selected user
2. List of users performing unsuccessful activities.
5 Excellent report listing users performing unsuccessful activities
4 Very good report listing users performing unsuccessful activities
3 Good report listing users performing unsuccessful activities
2.5 Average report listing users performing unsuccessful activities
2 Poor report listing users performing unsuccessful activities
1 Very poor report listing users performing unsuccessful activities
3. List of transaction codes performed, with their frequency by each user.
5 Excellent report listing count of transaction codes performed by each user
4 Very good report listing count of transaction codes performed by each user
3 Good report listing count of transaction codes performed by each user
2.5 Average report listing count of transaction codes performed by each user
2 Poor report listing count of transaction codes performed by each user
1 Very poor report listing count of transaction codes performed by each user
4. List of users engaging in security-related actions.
5 Excellent report listing users engaging security related actions
4 Very good report listing users engaging security related actions
3 Good report listing users engaging security related actions
2.5 Average report listing users engaging security related actions
2 Poor report listing users engaging security related actions
1 Very poor report listing users engaging security related actions
5. Top 10 users in terms of frequency of activity.
5 Excellent report of top 20 users by frequency of activity
4 Very good report of top 20 users by frequency of activity
3 Good report of top 20 users by frequency of activity
2.5 Average report of top 20 users by frequency of activity
2 Poor report of top 20 users by frequency of activity
1 Very poor report of top 20 users by frequency of activity
6. List of users who are dormant – in the range USER-001 to USER-050.
5 Excellent report of users dormant in range user 001 to user 050
4 Very good report of users dormant in range user 001 to user 050
3 Good report of users dormant in range user 001 to user 050
2.5 Average report of users dormant in range user 001 to user 050
2 Poor report of users dormant in range user 001 to user 050
1 Very poor report of users dormant in range user 001 to user 050
7. You should also produce at least three reports/charts/plots based on any three of the above reports that summarise activity over time using YYYYMM. (3 * 5 marks)
15 Excellent summary of activity over time for three above reports
13 Very good summary of activity over time for three above reports
10 Good summary of activity over time for three above reports
8 Average summary of activity over time for three above reports
6 Poor summary of activity over time for three above reports
3 Very poor summary of activity over time for three above reports
Task 2
Summary table of current user settings, default settings and recommended settings
15 Excellent summary table of settings
13 Very good summary table of setting
10 Good summary table of settings
8 Average summary table of settings
6 Poor summary table of settings
3 Very poor summary table of settings
Evaluate and comment on any weaknesses in the current user settings, default settings and what recommended settings should be (1000 words maximum)
30 Excellent analysis and discussion
25 Very good analysis and discussion
20 Good analysis and discussion
15 Average analysis and discussion
10 Poor analysis and discussion
5 Very poor analysis and discussion
Report presentation
10 Excellent report presentation
9 Very good report presentation
7 Good report presentation
5 Average report presentation
3 Poor report presentation
1 Very poor report presentation
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