Monday, September 16, 2013


write a profile of a person, place , business or activity about which you want to learn more. You should be able to actually interview or visit your subject in order to make firsthand observations.
Use of description: describe your subject by providing sensory details, making comparisons between the unfamiliar and things with your reader may be more familiar, showing rather telling when possible and appropriate
Focus: This essay does not need a thesis statement, but dominant idea should be evident. You should convey a particular perspective on your subject, either implicitly or explicitly
Organization: The idea in your essay are arranged in some logical order. The essay contains and introduction, a body, a conclusion, and sufficient paragraphing. Profiles are often organized topically (moving smoothly rom one topic to another), in narrative form (presenting the profile as a story0 or use a combination of the two.
Development: Ideas should be developed and supported with specific detail. The reader should not be left with questions.
Style: Pay particular attention to clarity and sentence variety.
Correctness: Grammar, spelling, and punctuation do not interfere with meaning or present distractions to he reader. Proofread your work to avoid careless errors and typos.
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