Thursday, September 12, 2013


Project description
This essay will discuss an experience related to the value/meaning breadth area as the
result of engaging in: (1) a personal interview
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critique. Keep in mind that you must use each method at least once. The essay will
demonstrate the ability to step outside one’s own sphere of experience and to perceive
and think from a global perspective. What does it mean to know and experience the
global world in ethical and religious ways?
General Discussion Questions
1. What Value/Meaning breadth area related subject did you explore and which
format (film, observation, or interview) did you use for your research?
2. How is your subject related to the Value/Meaning breadth area?
3. What are the global or cultural implications of this subject?
4. Did exploration of this topic challenge any preconceptions or assumptions you
5. Was your understanding of a global or cultural issue broadened or changed?
If so, how?
6. Any surprises or special gifts from your exploration?
7. What was the most important thing you learned and would like to share with
Specific Essay Questions
1. What world religion or belief system, different from your own, was explored in
This film?
2. What did you learn? How was it a learning experience?
3. Did the film challenge any preconceptions or assumptions you hold?
4. How did the film broaden or change your understanding of a global issue?
Observation (Site Visit or Observation via the Web)
1. What Value/Meaning breadth area related subject did you explore?
2. What are the global or cultural implications of this subject?
3. If applicable, were you able to follow the story/subject in an American News?
Assignment: ThesisWho did you interview (i.e., person’s religion, spirituality, and/or belief
2. What did you learn about the substance and practice of this person’s religion?
or spirituality? Does the interviewee view the world differently from you based
on a different belief system? How?
3. Did the interview challenge any preconceptions or assumptions you hold?
4. Did the interview broaden your understanding of a topic related to this breadth?
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