Thursday, February 28, 2013

American Heritage

1- Argue against a bill of rights. Tell why the original constitution- according to your argument -did not need a bill of rights.
2- Is there a tension between liberty and morality? Explain.

patient safety movement

Paper instructions:
Write paper on the subject of the Patient Safety Movement.  The paper must include a discussion of (1) the causes of medical errors; (2) what activities or initiatives make up the patient safety movement; (3) the impact of the movement on tort reform; and (4) criticisms of the movement


Paper instructions:
A good manager motivates and inspires his or her staff. Write an essay on the importance of motivation as a management function. Include examples from your own experience and what you think motivates you to work harder and improve your performance at work. Outline how you would motivate staff as a manager and include relevant research and theoretical approaches to support your suggestions.

Review of peter singer's article "famine, affluence, and morality

Paper instructions:
Please read the article “Famine, Affluence, and Morality,” by Peter Singer and complete the following tasks:
a.    Explain Singer’s goal in this article, and then present his argument in relation to this issue.
b.    Explain three counter-arguments to Singer’s position that he addresses in his article, and then indicate Singer’s responses to those counter-arguments.
c.    Define Singer’s concept of marginal utility and identify how it relates to his argument.
d.    Compare how the ideas of duty and charity change in Singer’s proposed world?

The Impact of Global Warming on The Bahamas.

  Write a paper on the following topic:  “The Impact of Global Warming on The Bahamas.”

NTA Greenhouse Reduction Strategy and Implementation Plan

NTA Greenhouse Reduction Strategy and Implementation Plan

 Click here to get more on this paper...........

The risk of vitamin a toxicity during pregnancy

The risk of vitamin a toxicity during pregnancy