Saturday, March 2, 2013

What does it mean to be human? Quote only what you can explain tow authors Mesopotamian and Egyptian for this question

What does it mean to be human? Quote only what you can explain tow authors Mesopotamian and Egyptian for this question



1.    Describe distributive justice and how it works.  State thoroughly and as specifically as you can the issues between Utilitarian’s and Libertarians concerning distributive justice.  Which side are you on and why?

2.    Expain as fully as you can John Rawls “Theory of Justice”  (describe the 5 steps that leads to both his principles).  Do you agree with with theory of justice?  Why or why not?

3.    Explain fully as you can the Buddhist  Theory of Morals.  DO yo think that Buddhist have anything to say o todays economy morally speaking?  Why or why not?

Anxiety disorders

Paper instructions:
topic paper examining Anxiety disorders
1) briefly describe new research in the area exemplified by a peer reviewed source.
2) evaluate the practical implications of research and what further research can be useful.  

Tactics used by presidential candidates in a presidential campaign in campaign advertisements

 Explain tactics used by presidential candidates in a presidential campaign in campaign advertisements?



Death Penalty in the United States.

Why are you against death penalty? or why do you support death penalty?

"Our similarities and differences in our sexual responses

Our similarities and differences in our sexual responses



What caused the opium war ? What long term effects did its outcome have on Chinese history ?