Monday, April 1, 2013

The effect of FDI on India's Economic Growth - Focusing on the Retail Sector during 1990-2013

The effect of FDI on India's Economic Growth - Focusing on the Retail Sector during 1990-2013

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To what degree has the increasing desirability of Skegness as a retirement location impeded its attractiveness as a stag night destination?

To what degree has the increasing desirability of Skegness as a retirement location impeded its attractiveness as a stag night destination?

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The relationship between management accounting, profitability and operations in an uncertain world; Evidence from literature and practice.

The relationship between management accounting, profitability and operations in an uncertain world; Evidence from literature and practice.

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Human Factors Equipment Analysis

conduct an ergonomic evaluation of an item of equipment (it can be from local school, shopping centre, industry or home).
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Your evaluation report should include:
(Please use your own headings where necessary.)
1. An Executive Summary � brief 1 page which outlines a summary of what is in the whole report including findings and recommendations.
2. Introduction
� Brief Background
� Scope of the Report
� Description of equipment, the task and the users (include task analysis).
3. Problem identification
� How the equipment does or does not match the cognitive (i.e. information processing) characteristics of the users
� How the equipment does or does not match the physical characteristics of the users (briefly�not major focus of report)
� Other problems.
4. Analysis of problem
� These will depend on your situation�you must include reference to relevant literature to support your analysis.
5. Design recommendations (solutions to problems)
� Recommendations for improving the match between the cognitive characteristics of the users and the design of the equipment

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Book review on Boychiks in the Hood

1. What types of contemporary Jews appear throughout Eisenberg’s book? Find and refer to at least one secular type and
3 religious types described or mentioned throughout the book. Are all “ultra-Orthodox”Jews the same; are they all Hasidic Jews? What are the major differences between the “ultra-orthodox” and the “modern Orthodox” Jews in America.
2. Discern the author’s opinion of the future of America’s (or Europe’s) Jews. Follow closely his visits (actual chapters) in at least 4 different localities in the USA and 2 in Europe.
3. What role does the Yiddish language play in the lives and or ideology of most (or of great many) contemporary ―ultra- Orthodox‖ Jews? Cite or refer to concrete examples from various Jewish “ultra-orthodox” centers or enclaves in the USA, Europe (Antwerp), Israel.

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Human Factors manual task analysis

Perform a basic job and task analysis�consider manual handling, visual, auditory and other human demands. Steps are to include:-
1. Identify the risk factors/problems.
2. Select appropriate tools for analysing the activity (e.g. RULA, NIOSH, OWAS, REBA etc). Justify selection using relevant literature.
3. Apply at least two (2) tools.
(choice of tools should provide holistic coverage of the activity, one tool validating the findings of the other.)
4. Discuss findings in relation to information found in:
� current journals
� ergonomic and biomechanical texts
� subject specific websites
� relevant standards.
6. Make recommendations based on the findings which would improve the manual handling activity in relation to reducing physical risk factors.

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Business Game Individual Essay

Your managing director received an intervention during the module. If you are the MD, it may be helpful if you discuss how this affected your performance and behaviour before and after. Other team members should also discuss what effect the intervention had on the performance and behaviour of the team

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