Critical thinking 1, Argumentative paper,
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Monday, May 13, 2013
Gospel of John
Assignment 8
This assignment covers John 19-21.
1. For what likely reason did Pilate have Jesus scourged? 19:1. Bruce, p. 358.
2. How did the Roman soldiers know that Jesus claimed to be King of the Jews? 19:3. Bruce, p. 358.
3. Describe how the soldiers mocked Jesus. 19:1-3.
4. Explain "Behold the man!" 19:5. Bruce, footnote 3, p. 380.
5. Rather than asking for Jesus to be released, what did the chief priests and officers say? 18:6.
6. Were the Jews glad that the soldiers mocked Jesus as “King of the Jews?” Bruce, p. 360.
7. In what way did the Jewish leaders change their accusation? 19:7 (cf. Leviticus 24:16). Bruce, pp. 360f.
8. Why did Jesus not answer Pilate’s question? 19:9. Bruce, p. 361.
9. Comment on human and divine power (authority) as suggested by Pilate's and Jesus' statements in verses 10-11. See Romans 13:1-7.
10. Why did those who delivered Jesus to Pilate bear the “greater sin?” 19:11. Bruce, p. 362.
11. Despite his desire to vindicate Jesus, what did the Jews say that caused Pilate to capitulate? 19:12. Bruce, p. 363.
12. Did Jesus carry his own cross (verse 17), or was Simon of Cyrene compelled to carry his cross (Matthew 27:32; Mark 15:21; Luke 23:26). Bruce, p. 366.
13. Identify Golgotha and Calvary. 19:17. Bruce, p. 367.
14. With whom was Jesus crucified? 19:18 (cf. Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27; Luke 23:33, 39-43).
15. What title, and in what languages, did Pilate put on the cross? Does the Evangelist see a significance in that? 19: 19-22. Bruce, p. 369.
16. Which prophecy was fulfilled as the soldiers cast lots (dice) for Jesus' garment? 19:23-25.
17. Along with Jesus' mother, what other women stood by the cross? 19:25. Bruce, p. 371.
18. To whom did Jesus commit the care of his mother? 19:26-27. Bruce, p. 289.
19. Why would Jesus at the beginning of the crucifixion refuse “wine mingled with myrrh (gall)” (Mark 15:23), then later say “I thirst” and accept the vinegar? 19:28-29. Bruce, p. 373.
20. Give the meaning of “It is finished.” 19:30. Bruce, p. 374.
21. Why did the Jews want the legs of those crucified to be broken? 19:31ff. (cf. Deuteronomy 21:22f). What prophecy does the writer relate to not breaking Jesus’ legs? Bruce, p. 375.
22. According to the Evangelist, when Jesus’ side was pierced there came out blood and water. What conclusions might be drawn from that? 19:34. Bruce, pp. 375f.
African American Teen slang use and the influences of Rap music
Why do AA teens use slang or street slang even with it's negative implications. Must show influence of Rap. Why slang has gained such currency in mainstream. must include: abstract, introduction, discussion, literature review
“There are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone.” (I Corinthians 12: 4-6),
With reference to Roman Catholicism and EITHER one denomination of Protestantism OR one denomination of Orthodoxy, discuss the quotation by examining in some detail one practice and one belief or teaching. (1,000 words)
Choose your practice from the following:
• Baptism
• Saturday/Sunday Worship
• Marriage ceremony
The belief/teaching you choose is an open choice but examples would be:
• Number of sacraments
• Justification by faith and works
• Presence in the Eucharist
• Marriage as a life-long commitment
• Devotion to Mary
• Devotions to saints
You must cite evidence to support your discussion. You must use both internal and external referencing. Your bibliography should contain at least five sources.
With reference to Roman Catholicism and EITHER one denomination of Protestantism OR one denomination of Orthodoxy, discuss the quotation by examining in some detail one practice and one belief or teaching. (1,000 words)
Choose your practice from the following:
• Baptism
• Saturday/Sunday Worship
• Marriage ceremony
The belief/teaching you choose is an open choice but examples would be:
• Number of sacraments
• Justification by faith and works
• Presence in the Eucharist
• Marriage as a life-long commitment
• Devotion to Mary
• Devotions to saints
You must cite evidence to support your discussion. You must use both internal and external referencing. Your bibliography should contain at least five sources.
nz health law and policy
Describe and then critically analyse the likely legal outcomes of the following fact pattern based on New Zealand law:
A 66 year person was a resident in a retirement home. In Feb 2010, her daughter became concerned about her mother's untreated bedsores. The daughter raised the concerns with the staff nurse but was ignored. Her mother was hospitalised for 2 weeks. The daughter also discovered that from Feb 2009- Feb 2010, her mother had been overcharged by the retirement home for $11, 111 for: medicines; podiatry services ($100 per hour instead of $50 per hour); and oral therapy and psychological services that did not occur.
(Highlight the potential legal laws, options for daughter to go for complaints etc.)
Learning Outcomes that needs to be met to pass this assignment:
- Demonstrate understanding of legal institutions and process in NZ Healthcare
- Analyse role of civil and criminal law on health care policy and practice
- Critique legislation and cases relating to consumers’ rights
- Examine the implications of case law and legislation for current or future health care practice
- Develop arguments informed and supported with relevant literature
- Present work at appropriate academic standard ( referencing in APA 6TH Edition)
- This is a critical analyses – must include relevant literature ( include New Zealand and overseas)
Elizabeth Bathory
Research paper on Elizabeth Bathory, describing what she has done and how she has had an impact on the world throughout the entire essay. Please use footnotes and endnotes.
cultural differences
Discuss ways in which you have learned to appreciate cultural and ethnic differences. How can this affect culturally competent care for ethnically diverse elders?
Identify sensitive areas in which discussion is frequently needed with older adults, and suggest how these would be affected by differences in the cultural backgrounds of client and nurse.
Identify sensitive areas in which discussion is frequently needed with older adults, and suggest how these would be affected by differences in the cultural backgrounds of client and nurse.
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