Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Augustine and Machiavelli - between utilitarianism and deontology

Main part of the paper should be divided in two sections, where both authors (Augustine and Machiavelli) and their creations ("de civitate dei", "il principe", "discorsi") are presented. (2-3 pages)

Comparison of both views and how they were influenced by their particular (historical) circumstances. (ca. 1-2 pages)

Main question of the paper should be, if the opinions of the authors could be understood as "utilitarian" or "deontological" (or any of those other ethic theories..whatever you think fits). (1-2 pages)

Short summary about the outcome of the paper and continuative discussion, lasting questions. (1-2 pages)

All in all ca. 10 pages.

Important: logical buildup of the argumentation, interpretations of the reading should be with a reference to the specific page.

If you have good references, and Im satisfied with your work, I will a good price.

Higher education and the Chicano Community

From the 1960's until the present, higher education has been a major goal for the Chicano community. First, identify historical obstaces facing the Chicano communtiy at the beginning of the Chicano movement in the area of higher education. Next, discuss the ideas that pushed Chicanos to create the "new" concept of Chicano studies programs and how this threatened the established paradigms and models of colleges and universities. Finally, analyze the last 20 years of experience for Chicanos in higher education and the effects in our community.


1.    Briefly trace the development and growth of Amazon.com from 1995 to the present through the application of corporate strategies – what types of strategies have these been?

2.    There have been many criticisms of the business practices that Amazon.com has pursued over the years. Describe TWO of these practices and outline the outcomes.

3.    Perform an environmental analysis for the involvement of Amazon.com in the book and publishing industry – what are the main opportunities & threats?

4.    Describe the organisational culture or leadership style within Amazn.com Inc.

Gender Differences Between the Effects of Stress Levels on Procrastination

Write an eight page reprot of the Technological advancements that happened in the past 2 decades and your expectation of the same in the coming 2 decades for the Topic Air pollution Control

Monday, May 20, 2013

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” or Shelby Steele’s “A Negative Vote on Affirmative Action

Summarize Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” or Shelby Steele’s

Homosexuality and Genetics

homosexuality and genetics in human development psychology. What is homosexuality? Does genetics play a key role in sexual orientation? Does homosexuality influenced in our environment or due to genetics?