Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rhetorical Analysis of a Text in a Specific Genre

Rhetorical analysis of the following TED Talk link:
Analyze the rhetorical strategy, in light of the genre and correctly document the information about the video in your source citation in works cited page

How are online technologies changing the way we live?

Prepare a 2 page paper (body). The body of the paper should have 300 words per page, double spaced and 1" margins. Include a title page and reference page. No More! APA format is necessary you must have 5 references and have citations referring to them.
Respond to the following topic Social Networks and Business:
When you think of Social Networking sites (ex. Facebook) you don't generally think of business applications. How are businesses using social networks to advertise, hire employees and sell products? Give real life specific examples. What are the benefits and the disadvantages for the business and the consumer? What special security and ethical situations exist?


Grade derivation for different sections of the case study assignment

1- Answers to Case Study questions

2- Explain the pathophysiology associated with the 
    disease process

4- Review and application of pertinent literature (3 related research articles from nursing journals)

Guidelines for the Pathophysiology Case study Assignment

1)    Thoroughly answer the questions listed in your assigned case study.

2)    Explain the pathophysiology associated with the disease process (as stated in your assigned case study). If one of the questions listed in the case study indicates explaining the pathophysiology of a disease process, answer this section instead.

4)    Review three research articles related to the case study topic and consider the following:
a)    Research articles should be recently published (not more than 5 years old)
b)    Summarize each of the three selected research articles. Research summary can be written in relation to the assigned case study and the principles of the study pertain to the case being discussed. As you write the literature review, you may include the weaknesses of the selected research studies as well as the strengths in terms of methodology, conceptualization of the constructs, ..etc.
c)    Provide your interpretation and explain how each of the three research articles relates to your assigned case study.
d)    One of the three research journals should be a “research nursing journal”.
e)    Attach the three related research articles with the case study paper. Electronic copies will also be accepted.

juvenile victiimization

Discuss and analyze the patterns of juvenile victimization. What specific factors put juveniles at greater risk for victimization? Document your answer with at lease one internet source.

Interest Rate Environment

Develop an interest rate forecast for the second half of the 2013 calendar year and the first half of 2014 (July 2013 to June 2014). This research may be based on interest rate forecasts that have been published, in which case, the author and the publication must be noted. Use the research to create your own interest rate forecast. In your research you may want to consider two or more forecasts, one optimistic and one less optimistic - there are many sources available to use as a basis. In your forecast include the following interest rates: Fed Funds Rate, Prime Rate, 1, 2, 5, and 10 Year Treasury rates and the 30 year residential mortgage rate. Comment on events that could occur over the next year that would substantially change your forecast.

Interest Rate Environment

Develop an interest rate forecast for the second half of the 2013 calendar year and the first half of 2014 (July 2013 to June 2014). This research may be based on interest rate forecasts that have been published, in which case, the author and the publication must be noted. Use the research to create your own interest rate forecast. In your research you may want to consider two or more forecasts, one optimistic and one less optimistic - there are many sources available to use as a basis. In your forecast include the following interest rates: Fed Funds Rate, Prime Rate, 1, 2, 5, and 10 Year Treasury rates and the 30 year residential mortgage rate. Comment on events that could occur over the next year that would substantially change your forecast.