Thursday, August 1, 2013

The problem with induction

The candidate should submit a 750-1000 word written exercise explaining clearly to the reader one and one only of the following: 1.) The problem of induction; 2.) Popper’s Falsificationism; 3.) Kuhn’s term “normal science”; 4.) Lakatos’s notion of a “research programme”; 5.) Feyerabend’s epistemological anarchism; 6.) The D-N model of scientific explanation

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Health sciences and medicine proteins

You are asked to evaluate a new food 3 products: 1) Product A (contains: 29% carbohydrates, 30% protein, 20% fat, 1% fiber, 20% water); 2) Product B (contains: contains: 20% carbohydrates, 30% protein, 10% fat, 20% fiber, 20% water). 3) Product C (contains 90% L-glucose and 10% water).
You are asked to measure 1)Gross energy, 2)Digestible energy, 3)Metabolizable energy, 4)Net energy and 5)Production energy.
Describe the experiments that will be needed to accomplish this task.
Explain the potential results (for each type of energy) and the differences among the three products

Pedro is a sedentary 65 years old male, weighs 200 pounds and is 5’.8’’ feet tall. 1) Calculate the energy requirement for Pedro. 2) State whether Pedro needs to lose or gain weight and how to modify his caloric intake to reach a healthy BMI within 5 months.
Explain how the high intake of red meats could lead to colorectal cancer .

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law criminology (crime and justice)

1) what is the main function of the criminal justice system?
this question is asking you to outline the structure of the
criminal justice system and to assess the main functions
of the system.
2) ‘Restorative justice is the only fair and just approach
to achieving justice’. Discuss. Ensure that you discuss what is meant by
justice here and define what restorative justice is. Use examples to
discuss your ideas. Suggest the limitations of this approach to
justice and problematic nature of the concept of justice.
3) Why do miscarriages of justice occur in a seemingly systematic
judicial process? This question is asking you to think about how the
judicial system can go wrong. provide examples of different cases to
highlight the problematic nature of the system.
4) ‘The Criminal Justice System is gendered.’ Discuss. Make sure
that you look at the pros and cons of this argument and
provide examples which challenge and support this view.
You need to explore this in terms of class and other issues as well
as gender.

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entry-strategies for emerging markets

Could you explain how “entry-strategies for emerging markets ought to be carefully developed to avoid risk of being victims of micro and macro-economic crises that frequently pops out in developing countries”? It would also be interesting to see how “MNC’s deal with corrupt government officials to get quick legal and essential services especially where bureaucracy is a norm”. There is a general belief that emerging markets are corrupt. I wonder what your view is, especially with the Nigerian experience. It is the people who are corrupt or the MNCs which encourage corruption?Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

Clinical research data base question

You are to locate and document research databases that relate to a significant clinical nursing issue of your choice. The research databases may be labeled as such, or may be collections of research studies, reports, articles and/or findings that are not specifically called “databases.” Please note: Individual journals and journal articles do not meet the criteria for a research database, and therefore do not qualify for this assignment.
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome:
CO 1: Examine the sources of evidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO7)
DUE DATE: You are to identify a total of five (5) research databases (or collections of research-based evidence) that are relevant to a significant clinical nursing issue that is important to you. Submit the descriptions using the form provided in Doc Sharing to the Week 5 Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. Sunday (MT).
The assignment is worth a total of 175 points. Please see the grading rubric for details.
1. Choose a topic of interest to you that is a significant clinical nursing issue. Please note that the databases you identify could be useful sources of information for your Capstone project in NR451, so choose your topic thoughtfully.
2. Download the “NR449_Research_Database_Form” from Doc Sharing and type information about each database directly onto the form. Your paper does NOT need to follow APA formatting; however, you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, and syntax and write in complete sentences.
3. Save the file by clicking “Save as: and adding your last name, e.g., “NR449_Research Database_Smith.docx”
4. Describe your topic of interest. This is worth 15 points.
5. Locate a total of five (5) research databases or collections related to your topic. Each research database description is worth 30 points. You may search for these in various locations, e.g., the Internet, an intranet at work, print publications, etc. You may NOT choose the databases that are already familiar to you – MEDLINE, PUBMED (which also indexes MEDLINE), GOOGLE SCHOLAR, and CINAHL. Instead, your are expected to expand your knowledge of evidence-based sources. Places to help you begin include Houser (2012, p. 126), which lists databases and websites that report research. The Chamberlain online library ( gives you access to several databases and provides a tutorial for the student. Government sites such as those at the National Institutes of Health offer collections of research on a variety of subjects. The key to choosing the databases is that each contains research-based evidence that also pertains to your topic of interest.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
6. Review each database or collection to gather information to create a description for the assignment. Each description must:
a. Identify the title of the research database.
b. Describe the location of the research database in a way that a reader could find it. This could be a URL or an APA citation.
c. Name owner or publisher of the source.
d. Describe the research database. This must be in your own words and not copied and pasted from the original source. Include the purpose of the database and the subject matter it covers. This may be four or five sentences.
e. Explain how the research found in the database relates to your topic of interest. This may be an additional paragraph, perhaps two or three sentences.
7. Submit to the Research Database basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday at the end of Week 5. Please post question about this paper in the Q & A Forum.
The following is an example of a description for MEDLINE:
Description: MEDLINE is the name for the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online. It is a database owned by the U. S. National Library of Medicine. It has 16 million references from approximately 5,200 scholarly journals, newspapers, magazines and newsletters. MEDLINE uses Medical Subject Headings, or MeSH, to index its database holdings. Medline may be searched through PubMed, a public site that is free of charge. MedlinePlus offers consumer information.
MEDLINE is relevant to my topic of interest because it contains references to research articles on simulation in nursing. It has MeSH headings on simulation. This allows me to find abstracts from research studies that relate to teaching simulation in schools of nursing.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
Category Points % Description
Topic Description 15 points 9% Identify a topic of interest that pertains to a significant clinical nursing issue. Provide a brief description of the topic and why it was chosen.
Research Database 150 points
(30/database) 86%
(17% each)
Title, location, owner/publisher (15/database) • Identify, by title, a research database, or collection of research that is relevant to nursing.
• Describe the location of the research database or collection of research, i.e., a URL or APA citation.
• Name the owner and/or publisher of the database.
Description, purpose, relevance to topic (15/database) • Describe in your own words the research database or collection of research. Include the purpose of the database and the subject matter it covers.
• Explain how the database relates to your topic of interest.
Writing 10 points 5% Properly name the file for submission. Include your name on the form. Write in complete

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Violence Prevention Program

As the Curriculum Coordinator of a year-round middle school (grades 5 through 9), housed in a large, urban district in the Midwest, you have been asked to lead an initiative to develop a Violence Prevention Program. Due to alarming increases in acts of violence at the middle school level, the district superintendent has mandated that the implementation of this new program begin within one academic year and be piloted for a minimum of three years. You are charged with collaborating with other stakeholders to develop, implement, and assess this plan. You must present the overall plan to the school board in six months. Because of a recent shooting at one nearby middle school, stakeholders are highly emotional, and the media has been very inquisitive.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
Answer the following questions seperately.
1.You are to tell us, specifically, the demographics of a midwest middle school. You can either make up the data or actually find an authentic school with authentic populations of students. You need to describe, in detail, the type of middle school it is, the demographics of the student population before moving forward in developing a violence prevention program precisely for this school district based on these facs.Provide an explanation on how you will determine who the stakeholders should be. Include a stakeholder flow chart.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
2. Explain how you would design the school violence prevention program and with whom. Include a stakeholder communication plan.
3. Create a school violence prevention professional development plan for teachers. Use a research based-professional development model.
4. Identify and describe instructional strategies focus on school violence prevention. Use a educuational theory to justify your response.
5. Identify and describe student learning outcomes through the lens of the developed school violence prevention program.
6. Develop a monitoring and evaluation plan for the school violence prevention program

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Personal Statement, Nursing med/surg hospital nurse clinical exemplar

A narrative account of a hospital MED/Surg NURSE clinical situation demonstrating advanced clinical Nursing judgement and innovative intervention that impacted a patients outcome in a positive way. Double-spaced, 12 point font, a minimum of 250 words and maximum of two pages.
Should include:
Context of the situation (date, time, shift, event)
Concerns I had for the patient during the situation
What needed to happen to positively impact the patient
What was the greatest barrier that needed to be overcome
Final outcome
What could have been done differently

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