Tuesday, August 6, 2013


1.on the subject of young mothers for example teenage pregnancy ( the reason behind the prejudice/stereotype.
2. define what I mean about young mothers
3. explain desk based research
4. look demographic trends:
- changes through time
- lone parented
- cultures issues
- comparisons to other countries
5. consider resources available in UK/WALES
6. consider challenges young mothers faces
7. consider implication for young mothers.
8. put the exact pages for the references.

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Investigate whether financial conservative polisies depend on financial distress

 Investigate whether financial conservative polisies depend on financial distress.
Steps: describe the theory financially conservative policies, individuate a group (some groups) of firms which are financially conservative, use test for difference in mean to test whether the grouping criterion you have chosen works, build up a dummy and test whether some basic relationships are different from this group of firms, use logit/probit/regression analysis to test the alternative hypothesis that the group of firms you have selected is distressed/conservative

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Main challenges of Chinese outward Foreign Direct Investment: A case study of Chinese marble companies in Portugal

Project description
1. References: 

Suggest reading through Student Handbook guidance on writing references for dissertation;

a. internet source: (accessed on xxx date)
b. journal articles; university library online database; google scholar
c. Keep a record for yourself throughout the writing process
d. Use Harvard referencing style in the text; consult student handbook

2. Disertation structure

Chapter 1: Introduction about 1,000

Chapter 2: Literature Review 3,000-4,000 words

a. understand what has been discussed; leading authors in the field; the specific questions they have asked; research sample they have used; specific research methods they have used; conclusions they have reached;
b. questions that have been asked can be used again, if given references;
c. previously asked questions and reached conclusions are critical, and should be the starting point for your literature review, after a brief introduction what has been done for your particular topic.

Chapter 3: Research Methods 2,500-3,500 words (critically important)

a. consult any business & management textbook for specific guidelines on pros and cons of questionnaires, interviews, and other research methods;
b. in your research methods chapter, you should write on the following
b1) provide an overview of different methods having been used for your topic;
b2) discuss pros and cons of questionnaire survey and interviews; refer extensively to the text;
b3) discuss specific methods you decided to use, discuss in particular how you tried to reduce problems of this method;

c. give sufficient details for the specific procedures you have carried out your data collection method;
d. note down sample characteristics: age, nationality, gender, education background, position; consult previous dissertations; if questionnaire survey, e-mail me your draft questionnaire; keep a copy of the questionnaire; if interview, tape-record or take extensive notes; write about this in your chapter how long each interview lasted; if you had tape-recorded it or took notes;
e. other suggestions: keep a timetable of the interviews arranged & conducted; 
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Chapter 4 Analysis / Findings and Discussions 3,000-4,500

Keep each table/pie charts in one page;


Chapter 5 Conclusion 500 -1,000

Basic ingredients are the same as previous chapters, but innovate as you can.


Appendices; including in this section your questionnaire or interview questions; (in both languages)


1. Title page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Table of Contents (with page number)
4. List of Tables/Figures (with page number)

These should be done strictly in accordance with the requirement.

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you must write a 4-6 paragraph essay on either of the following topics. A complete essay must include examples and detailed information. 

Describe some of the popular consumer items and new technologies introduced to western Europeans and US- American after the start of the 20th century? how did these items influence changes in culture, artistic expressions, and new social understandings of different cultural groups( i.e gender, socio-economic, ethnic)? how has production and consumers' demands of certain everyday items influenced colonialist policies throughout the 20th and 21th centuries? for what purposes do foreign governments and foreign companies feel compelled to maintain control and influence over certain industries in foreign regions? what are some consequences of these actions?

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Human Services (minority children)

You are to select a practice within human services (e.g. evidence-based practice, drug treatment practices, use of technologies, medical models) related to your area of interest. The practice you selected should be relevant in the human services field today. Compose an 8-10 page paper, 

****referencing scholarly resources , including peer-reviewed journals.


Your paper should address the following:

•History and background of the practice: Historical practices that evolved into the current practice
•Factors influencing the evolution of the practice. Include the following areas as applicable:

◦Theoretical Frameworks
◦Professional Associations

•Future direction of the practice: Benefits and Limitations of the practice in the future 

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American Revolution

What were the origins of the American Revolution?  In responding to this question be sure to describe both the long term trends and the short term triggers which led the British colonists to revolt.

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Persusade my dad

Pursuade My dad to buy me a knife

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