Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Egyptian History

Egyptian History 1-Use papyri as evidence for the Greek and Roman unshakeable belief that the Egyptians were the most holy of all ancient peoples. 2-Place Hatshepsut and her achievements in the context of rulers before and/or after herClick Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
Please use the link below to get most of the research but if you use other sources please cite:

1.    Research paper, written in professional format that outlines the current marketing situation the brand finds itself in.  Through this paper you will demonstrate that you understand your potential client.  This is predominantly a secondary research paper, which means you must use quality research sources, such as those found through the Library’s online databases.  Be sure to cite your sources “in text” (where you use them in your paper) AND include a work-cited page at the end.  You may choose to supplement this secondary research, with your own Primary research, such as observation at a retail location, or a short survey administered to friends, etc…

Key questions you should answer:
a.    What category does your brand operate in?  What are its key products, or services?
b.    Who are the key consumer groups that (i.) Use the category? (ii.) Use your brand? And what are overall consumer trends in the market? (ie: how are they using the product? What types of products are they using? How much are they spending?)
c.    Who are the key competitors for your brand?
d.    How is your brand positioned?  That is, what is the brand essence or personality, or the promise that the brand makes to customers that makes it unique in the market?  (ie: Kraft macaroni & cheese “it’s the cheesiest.”)

Most importantly, you should research hard enough so that I am able to make strategic decision for the brand (such as which consumers to target, which media to communicate through, etc…).  Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

Friedman video

Watch the following video. Friedman was a Nobel prize winner in economics and is considered the father of monetarism which is one of the economic philosophy under the classical side. Friedman died several years back at age of 90. The video is old but the topics are the same as we are talking about today. It takes place in the 1970s. At that time unemployment was running between 7%-9% and inflation was above 10% and at time even above 15%. This condition of both high unemployment and high inflation is called stagflation. Notice the talk of the bailout of Chrysler.
Write a response to the video following the guidelines given in the module structure. Remember a response included the main points, supporting points, economic anlysis and your opinion backed by economic reasoning.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

Urban schooling: school mission and culture audit protocol

Choose an urban school (elementary, middle or secondary) to conduct an environmental/cultural
audit. You are expected to spend time on the school?s website; review educational reports,
school/district newsletters, curricular/extra-curricular offerings, fundraising appeals, special
reports, other media, etc. In 3-5 pages you will need to write up a report of your findings and
provide accompanying artifacts as necessary.
Below is a modified checklist of audit guidelines developed by Kuh and Whitt (1987) to guide
your audit. Think outside the box as there may also be some creative ways to use Facebook and
other social media to gain additional insight into how students interact with the school/district ?
be creative in your search!
A. Is the school mission clearly communicated? Mission refers to the broad, overall, longterm purpose of the school which guides institutional priorities and practices in ways that
are consistent with the expectations of stakeholders (district, parents, students, etc.).
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1. What is the school?s mission?
a. Where and in what form is evidence of the mission to be found?
b. What is not included in the school?s mission?
c. How and to whom is the mission communicated?
2. How do members of the school describe the mission?
a. What similarities and differences exist among these descriptions?
b. To what extent do you think students, teachers, and parents have shared
understanding of the school?s philosophy?
3. From your research, to what degree do you think the school is committed to the
appreciation, encouragement, and enhancement of multiculturalism with respect to race,
ethnicity, class, gender, physical abilities, and world views? From your review of the
school?s website and other documents, how are these commitments manifested in the
mission, philosophy, and practices?School Culture
B. By broadly conceptualizing school culture, highlight how the school?s culture promotes
student engagement, learning, and success?
a. From your research, what traditions, events, programs introduce and socialize students to
the core values of the school?
b. What opportunities exist to celebrate school community? What role do students play in
these celebrations/programs?
c. What language is used to communicate the importance of students and their learning?
d. Is the language of the school culture inclusive and embracing or alienating?
e. Does the language of the school culture communicate respect or disrespect for individuals
and individual differences?
f. Is it inclusive of parents and other community-based programming?
g. How do you think newcomers learn the language of the school?
h. What symbols and symbolic actions communicate the importance of out-of-class
experiences to student learning?
i. What is communicated about student life to prospective students and parents, and in what
j. What is communicated about expectations for student behavior at school?
k. From your research, what messages and school values are communicated by other
cultural artifacts, such as mascots, mottoes, traditions, stories, school history, myths, etc.?
support your write-up with samples from you search!
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Melton A. McLaurin?s book Celia, A Slave

A.) When and where do the events in the book take place? To what events in U.S. history are the
events in the book most related?
B.) Celia was a slave and a woman. What relationships did she have to other people in the book?
C.) On page xii,??McLaurin says that Celia’s life cannot give readers a complete understanding of an institution such as slavery. What doesn’t Celia’s life tell us about slavery? How could we gain a more complete understanding of the institution of slavery in the United States in the United States in the early 19th century? (Keep in mind that in 1855, Celia is one slave out of about 3.6 million slaves in the United States, one of 100,000 slaves in Missouri, and that there were slaves in 15 different states.)
D.) On page xiii, McLaurin observes that “personal decisions about the morality of slavery were never made in a social and political vacuum.” How does this comment relate to McLaurin’s comments at the end of page 9/top of page 10 about Robert Newsom’s morality?:
He had grown to adulthood in the slaveholding society of Virginia, where slave ownership had long been a mark of social position. The laws of the land condoned the practice, and those of his adopted state encouraged it. Many of his fellow Missourians…held slaves. Many such slaveholders believed the institution was justified by the laws of man and of God. While it is possible that Newsom harbored some moral ambiguity about slave ownership, it is far more likely that he regarded it as a fitting reward for his years of labor, and indication of the social status he had achieved through his own efforts.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
Read the Melton A. McLaurin’s book Celia, A Slave: A True Story. When you have finished reading the book, write answers to the 5 questions below.?(You may find it helpful to quote short passages from the book. When you do, be sure to indicate the page number on which you found the quote.)
1) What was Celia’s dilemma as a woman/sexual partner/romantic partner?(see pages 30–31) 2) How did Celia demonstrate her self-esteem in her relationships to Robert Newsom and the
slave George? (see pages 31–35)
3) What did Celia have in common with Robert Newsom’s daughters Virginia Waynescot and Mary Newsom?(Think about their relationship and dependence on Newsom and the fact that they’re women.)
questions continued on reverse ???page numbers refer to the Avon trade paperback edition of the book
4) Why did Celia go on trial? It would not have been surprising if Celia had been declared guilty by a judge and executed without a trial. Consider these factors:
How the community felt about the morality of slavery (see the last sentence on page 103). How could Celia be “morally innocent of murder”?
Celia couldn’t testify at her own trial. (page 106)?Could a slave master trespass on his own property? (page 111)?How an innocent verdict would have struck a “devastating blow to the authority of
slaveowners” (page 113) and set a controversial legal precedent (pages 119–120)
5) What were abolitionists for/against? (Look in the Henretta textbook for information andbriefly summarize it.) How could Celia’s trial have contributed to their cause?Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

What is the difference between direct and indirect financial compensation?

What is the difference between direct and indirect financial compensation? Provide ways in which companies are adjusting their indirect compensation components to be competitive in current markets? What is the difference between direct and indirect financial compensation? Provide ways in which companies are adjusting their indirect compensation components to be competitive in current markets? Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

Holton, Woody Unruly Americans and the Origins of the Constitution Hill and Wang, 2008 978-0809016433 Soft Cove

“put aside” their personal feelings about the book and write an objective review. This is actually very good advice, but can be hard to do. What this assignment is attempting to do is to force you to confront your opinions about the book, both positive and negative, and evaluate why you feel that way.
acknowledg and evaluating your own opinions about the book, you will be better equipped to do so with future book reviews. If you can say “I don’t like this book because I find it difficult to read”, then you have identified a potential issue that can be examined. Is the book truly poorly written, which is a significant and objective criticism? Or do you just not like the style it is written in, which makes it a personal opinion rather than an objective criticism?
present your opinion of, and reaction to, the book itself. You don’t have to like the book – this is your opinion, after all. One way to help express your opinion would be to consider some or all of the following questions – although this is not mandatory, by any means. And remember, these essays are to be written in the first person (“I thought…”) rather than the third person (“The book was…”).Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
Did you find the book easy or hard to read, and why?
What were your most/least favorite portions of the book, and why?
Do you think the author provided adequate support for his thesis / arguments?
Was there any material that you felt should have been included in the book but wasn’t? Was there material in the book that you felt was unnecessary?
What did you learn from it? What do you feel was the most important idea or concept you gained from reading the book?
In what ways did this book increase your understanding of the Revolutionary period of American history?
Do you think the book have been improved? If so, how?
Do you feel that the book agrees or disagrees with other books or material you have read on this subject? If so, in what ways, and what do you feel is the correct interpretations of events, and why?
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