Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Clinical Biochemistry

A 2500 word essay on biochemical tumour markers for early
detection of cancer and monitoring of cancer treatment based on
extensive literature research.
Additional information
Your essay should include specific examples of certain cancers and
relevant clinical markers. Current analytical practice should be outlined
and critically evaluated. A good essay would also include a discussion
of ongoing research with the potential of identifying novel markers or
developing new analytical methods.
Identify specific biochemical markers which could be for example signal
proteins, enzymes, genetic markers, viruses, hormones or
developmental molecules that have been linked with specific tumours.
Summarise the role of such markers, evaluating their biological function,
diagnostic potential and the analytical methods that are used. Points to
consider include the prevalence rate of the cancer, its treatment success
in relation to diagnosis, specificity and sensitivity of the marker and
limitations of the analytical method as well as current research and
potential future developments

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Part I – Unemployment
Wanda works part time one hour a week baking cookies at Cookies R Us but is desperately seeking full-time work to support her 9 year old daughter Nina, who is in the 5th grade. Bobby was let go at his job as a bubble gum inspector for placing his gum under the table top at work; now he spends all his time watching game shows on TV. Jose used to be a type writer repair person for ACME Type Writer Repairs but has been out of work and unable to find work ever since ACME type writer repairs closed due to no one using typewriters. Nancy works forty hours a week feeding monkeys at the local zoo. Veronica quit her job as a drinking fountain attendant when she got her degree from clown school and has been looking for a job as a clown. Becky and Denny are whale tamers but are currently laid off and have been unable to find work because it is sunning season for whales and whales cannot be tamed each year during sunning season.
1.This week’s lecture pages describe the different types of unemployment (frictional, seasonal, structural, cyclical and full). Describe each person in the above scenario in terms of the type of unemployment they fall under.
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2.In the scenario above, what is the unemployment rate and how is it calculated?
Part II – Unemployment vs. Inflation
Using an Internet resource, such as the CIA World Fact Book or Trading Economics search for the current unemployment and inflation rates for the U.S., China, Canada and the United Kingdom.
1.According to this week’s lecture, there are two types of inflation (demand pull and cost push). Which countries are experiencing a demand pull inflation? Which countries are experiencing a cost push inflation? You may need to complete additional research to determine the inflation type for each country.
2.What correlation, if any, exists between the unemployment and inflation rates of the above countries?

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Licensing and Professional Organizations

Discuss and describe the organization you have selected for your family nurse practitioner role implementation.
Identify a board of nursing (specifically the Nurse Practice Act) which supports your role in this type of organization.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
1. Discussed and described the organization selected for the implementation of the chosen role
2. Identified State Board of Nursing and referenced Nurse Practice Act which supports role implementation
3. Used correct spelling, grammar, and professional vocabulary. Cited all sources using APA format

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You work for an advertising company and are asked to review a holiday brochure before it goes to print. You are asked to provide advice to the advertising company on the legal effect of the representations in the brochure. You are asked to produce a report for management outlining the issues relating to the brochure.

Select a package holiday brochure. Read it and analyse it, looking to answer the following questions in your report;
1. Identify the key information about the holiday as set out in brochure.
2. Categorise the statements into representations, terms, conditions and warranties using contract law principles
3. Identify whether there is any material in the brochure which is potentially;
unconscionable, misleading or deceptive, false representation, bait advertising, offers gifts or prizes
In your report explain the effect of these representations having regard to the consumer and consumer protection laws. You should outline the law relating to advertising including improper business practices, any legislation regulating advertising, unlawful sales techniques and the powers of enforcement.
4. Are there any exclusion or limitation clauses? If so identify and explain using the principles of contract law whether the clauses would be valid.

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Debate the Pros and Cons of the RICO statute.

Debate the Pros and Cons of the RICO statute.  Due Sunday 11:59 p.m. of Week 3.

This should be a five page paper, utilizing approximately three to five sources.  It does not need to include an abstract, but should have a title page and a reference page (which do not count toward your five page requirement).

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Personality Theory

Paper instructions:
Choose a topic relevant to personality theory of related topic in psychology, research that topic, and produce a 6-10 page APA style typed paper (not including title page and reference page) of your summary of the findings. Also describe the issues, how it developed, and treatments used (if applicable) How does the general society portray the issue (negatively, comical, minimized, etc.)? What impact might the issues have on society’s view of people with mental illnesses? Include at least 5 different sources from books or research journals. At least 3 of your references should have been published in the last 15 years. References cannot include the textbooks.

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Organisational Behaviour

Answer 3 question out of 6 (please see attached file). I need 1000 word per each essay. Tell me please which of 3 you will write about and I will upload additional material for the question to help you to complete it. 

Please make sure that the essay answer the question fully. Please use relevant theories/evidence to support your answer + reference and quotes. Make a good stoty line, elegant propose, convincing argument, lots of facts. Remember:    10:80:10    ‘guideline’. 

What I am looking for? 
• Good, clear argument that    addresses the question.

• With    evidence    (not    just    ‘I    think’,    but    something    to    back    it    up)    
- Examples    (in addition    to, but not    instead of, theory). Don’t get bogged down    in    writing a lengthy    description    – be brief.    
- Evidence    backs    up the argument    (rather than lots    of evidence    
with    an argument made at    the end)    

• Engagement    and    interest    

• Creativity? Originality?    
-There’s a    lot    of scope, given complexity    of arguments, to    have    
your own perspective.

• Awareness    of    managerial    and    cri,cal    perspec,ve    
- Avoid seeing    things neutrally    –    and    see    beyond    a managerial    
perspective    – for    example    a critical take on    the issue,    which is not    
always obvious,    and    often    questions    dominant    ways    of    seeing.    

• Awareness    of    historical,    social,    cultural    context    
- But    remember    the    issues    are    behaviour,    not    economic    etc.  

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