The main aim of this study was to investigate if and how the UEFA FFP rules influenced the football clubs in English Premier League. The objectives were whether the UEFA FFP rules regarded and expected to work, especially by key stakeholders groups in English Premier League football clubs, such as the board of directors, the managers, the staffs and also the players. This study also investigated whether the UEFA FFP rules impacted the financial performance of the club better by analysing the Premiership football clubs financial performance since FFP rules introduced, and also to assess whether or not other regulatory initiatives or techniques, for example the cap on premier league wage bill for players, needed to add to existing FFP break-even rule.
Analysis of football clubs’ financial reports (quantitative method) were selected as the main method for the study to answer the research questions and reach the objectives to this study. The sample is the English Premier League (EPL) clubs for the last 3 seasons, at least (2010/2011 – 2012/2013).
Structure of the dissertation:
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Lit Review
4. Research methods
5. Data analysis and discussion
6. Conclusion and recommendation
7. References
8. Appendices
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The literature review at least consist of this below headings:
1. rise in player’s earning power in which can be started with the lifting of the maximum wage in English football and an increasing movement towards freedom of contract that culminated in the Bosman ruling put in the context of European Union governance and legislation
2. Changes in patterns of revenues streams that in the UK started with home clubs keeping the bulk revenues which favoured the big city clubs along with the issues about the setting up of the premier league that has allowed those clubs along to negotiate higher shares of television revenues, the establishment of BSkyB and the scale of their payments to the larger clubs, and the replacement of the European Cup by the Champions League that has allowed an elite of clubs to come forward to attract the best players, and
3. changes in patterns of ownership which has led to some clubs raising new equity finance, some taking on more debt, but some other clubs having genuine sugar daddies – such as Manchester City and Chelsea – who threatened the dominance of clubs that had risen to power because of (ii) above.
Then explain that financial fair plat is designed to prevent the clubs with generous benefactors to dominate football. The lit review chapter the closed by outlining financial fair play rules and ask the question of whether the financial fair play will achieve their objectives.
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