Thursday, August 8, 2013

How does the legal system work to impact African Americans in the "war on drugs"?

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The total abatement and total damage costs associated with a given pollutant or a specific product

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The rate of precieved exertion for children with exercise induced asthma during dynamic vs static exercise

Paper instructions:
write a literature review on the rate of precieved exertion for children with exercise induced asthma during dynamic vs static exercise.

make sure to have at least 6 scholarly articles and is a good site to search for some articles.

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My Intersectionality

Paper instructions:
INSTRUCTIONS: In a 1.5-2 page essay, please describe how your race (hispanic), class (middle working class), and gender (female) impact your daily life.  That is, explain how you believe the cumulative effects of race, class, and gender impacts your ability to access resources, whether they be health, education, monetary resources.  Also explore how people interact or respond to you based on your intersectionality (mostly surrounded by college students and hispanic co-workers).  This is an introspective essay.  Therefore, I am not looking for a general summary on intersectionality theory.

Your paper should be double-spaced and typed.


Thesis: Posited a concise, clearly stated thesis that demonstrated a thorough understanding of the topic.
Quality of Information:    Utilized information from a range of sources. ALL of the sources were high quality, relevant, academic/scholarly resources related to topic.
Mechanics:    No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors.
Analysis of Information: Student analyzed made conclusions, which are supported by evidence. Voice is apparent.
Overall Product: Effectively communicated an analysis that demonstrated an attention to detail and academic excellence. Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

Compare and contrast the rape of Io by Jove and the rape of Philomela by Tereus.

Paper instructions:
•    Concisely paraphrase both stories using proper citation.
o    Your citation belongs either after a direct quote or what you are paraphrasing
o    An example of correct citation: (Ovid, Met. II. 375-404).
•    Provide concrete examples from the primary sources by use of direct quotation and/or summary
•    Discuss the difference in the language used to describe the rape scenes
•    Discuss why the rapes could be different due to the divine status of Jove vs. the mortal status of Tereus
•    Discuss how such a myth could be didactic, i.e. used to reinforce social values or teach a lesson
•    Discuss the ‘significant other’ in both cases and what role they play in the myth (Hera and Procne)
•    Comment on how such myths can teach us about Greek and Roman civilization, culture, and religion

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CLA 2000 Essay Assignment             Summer 2013  DUE: Thursday August 8th

Choose one of the following topics:

1) Compare and contrast the rape of Callisto or Io by Jove with the rape of Philomela by Tereus.
            Your essay should:
·         Begin with a proper introductory paragraph with a clearly stated thesis
o   E.g.: In this essay I investigate the ancient sources, both Greek and Latin, from the particular time period of the plague under Marcus Aurelius for evidence of the use of language as a means of power by drawing on the theories and information presented by Pierre Bourdieu and Briggs and Mantini-Briggs. By applying their theories to the ancient sources I will show that even though the evidence is scant and not as blatant as the examples they use, there are still linguistic elements that express relations of power, social structure, class that are ripe for analysis. 
·         Concisely paraphrase both stories using proper citation.
o   Your citation belongs either after a direct quote or what you are paraphrasing
o   An example of correct citation: (Ovid, Met. II. 375-404).
·         Provide concrete examples from the primary sources by use of direct quotation and/or summary
·         Discuss the difference in the language used to describe the rape scenes
·         Discuss why the rapes could be different due to the divine status of Jove vs. the mortal status of Tereus
·         Discuss how such a myth could be didactic, i.e. used to reinforce social values or teach a lesson
·         Discuss the ‘significant other’ in both cases and what role they play in the myth (Hera and Procne)
·         Comment on how such myths can teach us about Greek and Roman civilization, culture, and religion
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2) Explore the myth of Oedipus in relation to the definition of taboo.
            Your essay should:
·         Begin with a proper introductory paragraph with a clearly stated thesis
o   E.g.: In this essay I investigate the ancient sources, both Greek and Latin, from the particular time period of the plague under Marcus Aurelius for evidence of the use of language as a means of power by drawing on the theories and information presented by Pierre Bourdieu and Briggs and Mantini-Briggs. By applying their theories to the ancient sources I will show that even though the evidence is scant and not as blatant as the examples they use, there are still linguistic elements that express relations of power, social structure, class that are ripe for analysis. 
·         Concisely paraphrase the myth using proper citation (see above explanation)
·         Provide concrete examples from the primary sources by use of direct quotation and/or summary
·         Draw from the following definition of taboo presented by Mary Douglas. She suggests that societies are likely to see things as taboo when they are anomalous, when they don’t fit neatly into a society’s classification of the world. She believes that things which exist at the borders of society, or on the boundaries between categories are perceived as possessing both power and danger. (Douglas, Purity and Danger. Routledge, London and New York. 1966).
·         Draw from M, L, & S’s discussion on Oedipus, Freud, and taboo in reference to heroes
·         Discuss how such a myth could be didactic, i.e. used to reinforce social values or teach a lesson
·         Comment on how such a myth can teach us about Greek and Roman civilization, culture, and religion

3) An essay topic of your choice. If there is a particular topic you would like to research I am willing to allow you to write an essay on it. However, you MUST turn in a short paper proposal before I will allow you to do so.

In grading your essays I will be looking for the following:
  • A proper introductory paragraph with a clear thesis statement
  • An argument that is easy to follow with properly organized paragraphs
  • That you are employing a primary source for your evidence and citing it properly, whether in direct quotation or paraphrase
  • That you know the facts about the myth that you are discussing
  • That you have thought about the deeper meaning and implications of the myth
  • A proper concluding paragraph
  • A proper work cited page
  • That you have the technical skills to write an essay, including but not limited to the use of proper academic language, spelling, grammar, and punctuation
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The essay should be 5-6 pages long, double-spaced, with reasonable font sizes, types, and margins. Please number your pages consecutively and staple them together in order. No cover page. Work cited page required. Please refer to my essay example on BB for correct citation style and format. No email submissions accepted.

The essay is meant to allow you to think and write about the nature of Greek and Roman mythology. I am looking to see that you have absorbed the material and made some part of it your own. Therefore, it MUST be your own, original work. Any attempt at plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the assignment.

Please refrain from relying on websites to gather your evidence. An essay that employs such sources will be marked down. You should really only need the primary sources in your text, Ovid, and/or the text assigned for the course.

I will use the following rubric (100 pts)
  • Introduction and thesis = 20
  • Source usage = 10
  • Source citation = 10
  • Facts = 20
  • Deeper implications = 20
  • Conclusion = 10
  • Technical skill = 10
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A World marketplace for jobs in a project-based work environment (Global)

Project description
These module aims are implemented through a set of Learning Outcomes. 
The Learning Outcomes for the module are set out below. Passing the module means that you can show you have met the outcomes by satisfactorily completing the assessment tasks. 

The Learning Outcomes are also allotted to key skills which have been identified as those skills you need to develop to show understanding of their subject and prepare for work and life. 

On completion of the module, you should be able to:

1. Demonstrate a broad comprehension of the complex nature of initiatives in the field of International HRM.

Thinking skills
2 Demonstrate critical analytical ability in the examination of a range of contemporary International HRM concepts.

Subject-based practical skills
3 Show understanding and reflective analysis of the importance of contexts and external and internal environments influencing the choice and effectiveness of HRM initiatives.

Skills for life and work (general skills)
4 Demonstrate written and oral understanding of the nature, concepts and approaches in global human resource management practices, with the effective ability to communicate through presentational methods.

1. Assignment

HR3012 2012/2013 Resit
Assignment 1 Case Study

A World marketplace for jobs in a project-based work environment (Global)

It used to be necessary to bring workers to where the work was. But with the advent of the World Wide Web, the internet and mobile phones and the global communication they make possible, it is now possible to send work to wherever workers are by putting together multinational project teams, by using the internet to recruit employees on a global scale, or by using open-source software to accommodate global collaboration. These new styles of work and employment are arising particularly in response to the capabilities of computers and mobile phones and to the chronic needs for IT skills in growing numbers of industries.

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For example, one firm in Bern, Switzerland, recruited from the web a group of doctorates in discrete mathematics and graph theory from as far away as Belarus, India, Israel, and Ireland for a semiconductor design project. Team members never left their home countries and the team leader never left his home office. And the task group beat its deadline.

In industry after industry, as customers expect quicker service and competition forces shrinking product life cycles, employers are being driven to apply a ‘Hollywood model’ to their tasks. They assemble the best talent available at that moment from anywhere in the world (which is the way teams are put together to film a movie). When the project is complete, the team breaks up and the members move on to new projects. The end result is a new highly efficient global labour market unlike any seen before. 
Even for small businesses, their new talent pool is the world. A new generation of online services is providing small businesses with opportunities to find specialised expertise and affordable labour. Businesses can go shopping in a virtual international bazaar of freelancers to recruit computer programmers in Russia, graphic designers in Italy, or data analysts in India. A small business of one can look to the world like a very large company and have access to all kinds of services. Technical advances have made remote work and virtual teams more feasible. And, increasingly freelancers are taking on assignments like customer service, data entry, writing, accounting, human resources, marketing, payroll – virtually, any ‘knowledge process’ that can be performed remotely, even setting up and managing business profiles on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter.

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In some cases, the cost savings can be substantial: for example, the hourly rates of programmers in Russia, India or Pakistan are a fraction of those in North America or Europe. And these freelance marketplaces also allow small businesses to assemble teams quickly, find specialised expertise, begin new initiatives, and then be able to drop everything when it’s no longer needed.
When John Wilde, chief executive of Tailor Made Products, a small manufacturing firm in a small town in Wisconsin, in the USA, wanted to build a website for a new line of children’s kitchen gadgets called the Curious Chef, he turned to oDesk and hired a firm in India. He paid about US$20,000, which he estimates was roughly half of what he would have paid in the USA.

Sources: Norris, C.D. (2000), Already starting: A world marketplace for jobs, International Herald Tribune, August 8, 6; Pattison, K. (2009), Enlisting a global work force of freelancers, The New York Times, 
accessed 14 March 2013 

Assignment question:

Critically assess the impact that the use of multicultural virtual teams has on international human resource management and the role that the HR department will have in these employee relationships. 

(Please make sure that you address issues relating to political, legal and employee relationships in analysing the case study and answering this question.)

You need to work as a group of about five people. Groups will be pre-allocated. Small groups will be set up on UELPlus so that you can communicate with people in your group.

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It is expected that you will be consulting the following sources:

1. The Case Study
2. Main text books
3. Current academic articles
4. Practical examples of organisations
5. Practical examples of HR practices
6. Critical text

The final submission date for the Assignment is 12 aug 2013 
and your Group Report must be put through Turnitin. Please allow at least 48 hours for completion, in order to receive the Originality Report, which must be included in your submission. 


The feedback sheet should be duly completed, indicating your student number and Turnitin ID and the Assignment to be submitted to the Student Support Centre within the opening times.
A receipt is obtained for the submitted work through checking on UEL Direct.

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Preparation for this assignment

- You need to work as a group of about five people. Groups will be pre-allocated. Small groups will be set up on UELPlus so that you can communicate with people in your group.
- As part of the process, you will need to analyse the case study and identify what you regard as being the key issues. You should do this individually and then discuss it with your group members so that you can agree what the key issues are. This process should help you to share the work out between the five people in this group. 
- Once the work has been divided amongst the group members, members should review what has been covered on the module that relates to the work that they have agreed with the group for which they will write the 2,000 words. This also means making sure that the 2,000 words relate to what is required by the question.
- It is advisable to discuss with the group what mark members of the group are aiming for so that all members can aim to meet the requirements of that level of grade.
- This group work also requires project management skills so that work can be drafted, reviewed and then modified to avoid duplication in the final single document.
- Please make sure that all members of the group are familiar with the assessment and marking criteria.
- Using a peer review system to review work between members of the group is also advisable in order to review the achievement of the level of work in the 2,000 words to the agreed standard and to check for degree of critical thinking, focus on the area, appropriate links between the case study and the theoretical areas covered through the module.
- Additional reading will also be required since the set text is a starting point and other sources will need to be identified.
- Please ensure that the answers also include analysis of the key issues in the case study which have strong links to appropriate theories, concepts and models that relate to what h

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Biology 206 U3IP

Project description
Download Graphic for answering all questions and genetics exercises in this assignment.
Part I: Genetics – From Genes to Proteins, Mutations
Background: DNA represents the architectural blueprint for all living systems, encoding specific instructions in the sequence of its four nitrogen-containing base pairs that are necessary for building the organism.
During the process of transcription, the information in the DNA codons of a gene is transcribed into RNA.
A change in the DNA sequence, for example as a result of a "mistake" during DNA replication, is defined as a mutation. Mutations may result in a change in the "blueprint," which may then change the resulting protein product.
Assignment details for part one:
Transcribe and translate EACH of the three following DNA gene sequences. Turn these in using the graphic organizer. The letters represent the DNA N-base sequences of the genes.
The first is the original gene. The next two are mutations of the original. Note that the changes (mutations) are shown in red.
Original Gene sequence 3'-T A C C C T T T A G T A G C C A C T-5
Mutated gene sequence 1 3’-T A C G C T T T A G T A G C C A T T-5'
Mutated gene sequence 2 3’-T A A C C T T T A C T A G G C A C T-5’
Also, answer the following questions:
What is the significance of the first and last codons of an mRNA transcript?
What meaning do these mRNA codons have for protein synthesis?
Did the mutations result in a change in the final proteins? If so, describe the change.
In general, why might a change in amino acid sequence affect protein function?
Part II: Inheritance of Traits or Genetic Disorders
Background: Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease that affects the respiratory, digestive, or reproductive systems of the body, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. Bob and Sally are recently married. Upon deciding to plan a family, both Sally and Bob find out that they are both heterozygous for cystic fibrosis, but neither of them has symptoms of the disorder.
Assignment details: Complete a Punnett Square for cystic fibrosis for this couple using the following alleles: C = normal allele; and c = allele for cystic fibrosis.
Complete the Punnett Square in the graphic organizer.
Also answer the following questions:
Based on the Punnett square, calculate chances (percentages) for the following:
for having a healthy child (not a carrier)
a child that is a carrier for the cystic fibrosis trait
a child with cystic fibrosis
Be sure to submit these percentages as part of your assignment in the Graphic Organizer.
Part III: Cell division, sexual reproduction and genetic variability
Background: Eukaryotic cells can divide by mitosis or meiosis. In humans, mitosis produces new cells for growth and repair; meiosis produces sex cells (gametes) called sperm and eggs.
Although mutations are the ultimate source of genetic variability, both meiosis and sexual reproduction also can contribute to new genetic combinations in offspring.
Assignment Essay Question: How do both meiosis and sexual reproduction (fertilization) produce offspring that differ genetically from the parents? Be sure to talk about the two specific steps in meiosis that increase variability as well as the process of fertilization.
You will submit your Graphic Organizer with all answers in your Submit Assignment area.
Provide references in APA format. This includes a reference list and in-text citations for references used throughout the assignment. Note that there is a Reference page for listing sources included on the Graphic Organizer.

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