Tuesday, October 1, 2013

what is effectiveness in early years

End paper on a question (s). Stimulate a debate in paper. Mention; Effective Early Learning (EEL project). Early intervention-children at risk (SEN).Knowledgeable early years graduate leaders. short and long term effects. Adult behaviours, personal qualities. Child development, well-being and health. Mention Early years statutory guidance ie self esteem. Government policy, rights and well-being.
Adults who support children’s learning.

Prepare an ethical

TO BEGIN, consider a design project you have been associated with in and prepar an ethical "balance sheet " for it ,presenting your finding and you should also include a description and analysis of any ethical dilemmas that were or have been encountered
the report should conclude with a reflection on how this analysis might impact on your futur professional and personal life
-apply a framework for ethical reasoning
-recognise and describe the social, economic, clutural and environmental impacts of design decision
so the design project will be:web design and that the company i work with want me to design a web for a fashion design and i discovered that the clothes that they are selling contain raciest religious pictures
care based
the utilitarianism
make the same story but different dilemma

Middle Class in the Arab Region

Develop these 4 topics so I can take the approval of my tutor on their content and proceed along with writing them into big chapters. Thank you. If it is also possible to send me chapters as soon as they are ready, even if it is one before the other just to read them along. Thank you so much.
Chapter two of the Report will deal with issues on measuring the middle class. In doing so, this chapter will review different definitions before justifying why we are focusing on the economic (money metric) definition. Having reviewed the literature on economic definitions of the middle class, this chapter will present and justify a new proposed methodology to measure the middle class, which is more suitable to the Arab region. It will propose that the middle class is those between the upper poverty threshold and the 90th percentile income.
The chapter 3 will use the proposed new methodology to present the international comparisons of the middle class. It will be able to compare between different money metric measures of middle class and quantify their size and growth over the last three decades. It will show that the middle class size in the Arab region has declined recently.
Applying the new method to quantify the middle class, the chapter 4 will provide a profile of the middle class in a number of Arab countries based on an analysis of household survey data. It will show the various socio-economic characteristics of the middle class, such as demographic characteristics including household size, age of head of household, percentage of youth, household assets value, average expenditure, gini/inequality in expenditure, highest level of education in the household, location – rural, urban. It will also show which are the middle class occupations, and education levels.
Chapter 7 will discuss the political mobilization and the politics of the middle class in the Arab region. It will show how the Arab middle class can be an agent for political transformation. It will investigate if the middle class was politically empowered.

Pandora presentation

PowerPoint presentations: 10-15 minutes
a) Define Pandora’s product in words (e.g. this is the market for ____________). NOTE: this is not easy or obvious! You may want to consider two or more different products in different markets.
Pandora is a leading web broadcaster; the media industry’s products are diverse and unique. The web radio views its audience as the products, which it sells to advertisers. The company must work hard in order to increase its audience since the larger audience it has the more advertisers it stand to gain. This requires the company to develop appropriate mass media products that appeal to the target market.
b) Describe Pandora’s customers and competitors in words
Pandora’s customers: The internet community which consists of young and technological individuals.
Pandora’s competitors : Other web radio broadcasters. Pandora just same as any other business organization. They must carry out extensive market research with the view of understanding of their audience and to develop appropriate content with which to help retain the audience.CLICK HERE TO GET MORE ON THIS PAPER.....
c) Define the market in terms of perfectly competitive, monopolistic competitive, oligopoly or monopoly and justify your answer in terms of specific sources of market power.
Pandora has establishes a larger market niche than any other company in the industry and this makes the market monopolistic. The company has the largest percentage of market share which more than five million users.The increase in the copyright fees will affect the company to increase the cost of operations. The company will require more money to develop mass media products.
d) Draw a graph to illustrate the market. As in a) above, you may want to consider two or more different graphs that correspond to Pandora’s different products/markets.
e) Draw another graph to show how the market(s) would change with the new royalty fees.
f) Write in the text the message of these graphs how they inform your analysis recommendation.
a) Following Madison’s definition of faction, what is the “overarching social objective†associated with Pandora’s product?
b) Given the social objective in a), identify at least three (3) important factions in Pandora’s market. Your identification should include a brief description of WHO is in the faction, and most importantly, what is the group’s interest that is opposed to the social objective you identify in a).
c) What is Pandora’s organizational objective? It may be helpful to go back to our discussion of organizational strategy from Porter and Collis & Rukstad.
d) Given Pandora’s organizational objective, identify at least three (3) important factions within Pandora’s organization. As in b) above, your identification should describe WHO is in the faction and what their interest is that is opposed to Pandora’s objective.
b) Spend all of your time re-working your business to be able to survive under the new fees assuming that you’d lose any fight. If so, what would be two (2) things that you would focus on in your restructuring?
Buy a skip package. Package vs individual no ad subscription benefits
Pay for station minus ads.
Live video feed for concert. Online ticket. Package or individual tickets.
Ask me anything.
Default station
Expand licensing. Search data.
Pandora radio in car?
Market: Monopolistic Competition (Barriers to entry due to brand name/ differentiated products. Few companies within this market but there are barriers) Market heavily subsidized by advertisements
Pandora’s Product is an internet based radio station that can be personalized per the viewer.
Apps different from radio online
Pandora’s Customers: Are those with access to the internet and enjoy listening to music. (On average they listen to music 10hrs. a day). People of all ages have been reported to listen to Pandora. but the main audience is those from 13-40 years of age. Ads can target to audience of 18-36.
Pandora’s Competition: Other internet radio providers, and also AM/FM/XM radio providers in some cases itunes and amazon (even though they have contract with Pandora)
The overarching social contract: To provide music catered to an individual’s taste, while also exposing the audience to new music/access to purchase this music
Factions in Pandoras Market: those who do not like ads, those who do not like to pay for radio,
and those who like to listen to many songs (without skipping). Advertisers. Who like exposure. Who like cheap ads. Who like
Organizational structure: make a goal based on what I read?
Original competitors: AOL Yahoo now spotify and I heart radio
History of Royalties: Radio does not pay royalties since they were paid negative royalties. now royalties cost more each preceding year
Pandoras history: Pandora started with a free 10 hour campaign, but people just listened to the 10 hours and that was it. now the have a heavily subsidised add program with 40 hours a month free and you can pay 99 cents after the 40 or just wait to next month.
Advertisers based on age is pandora product.
Pandora researcher. Webmaster. Maketer

Sales Resource Opportunity Grid

Companies who sell more than one product or service can often utilize cross-selling techniques to sell different products to their existing customers.
In order to minimize duplication of efforts in the sales force and to ensure the company is matching its sales resources to its marketing opportunities, a Sales Resource Opportunity Grid (SROG) is often used to plan and control the sales portfolio.
Using the SROG in Figure 16.4 in your textbook as a guide, create and explain an SROG for a company of your choosing.
This can be your current or former place of employment or a company you have researched in the CSU Online Library or on the Internet.
Make sure you take into account all of the company’s planning and control units when designing your grid.
Chapter 16 Busivzcsx [Mar/eetiizg Commmzicxztions: ll/Izzmzgzfizg the Persomzl Selling Fzmction 429
At various points in deployment decision making, the sales resource opportunity
grid is important for screening the size of the sales force, the territory design, and
the allocation of sales calls to customer segments. This method can isolate deploy-
ment problems or deployment opportunities worthy of sales management attention
and further data analysis.
Personal selling is a significant demand-stimulating force in the business market. Given
the rapidly escalating cost of personal sales calls and the massive resources invested in
personal selling, the business marketer must carefully manage this function and take
full advantage of available technology to enhance sales force productivity. Relation-
ship marketing (RM) activities represent dedicated relationship marketing programs,
developed and implemented to build strong relational bonds with customers. These
activities influence the three important drivers of RNI effectiveness-relationship
quality, breadth, and composition. To strengthen relational ties with customers, three
types of RM programs are used: social, strucmral, and financial. Returns on RM in-
vestments improve when business marketers are able to target customers on the basis
of their relationship orientation rather than size.
To manage the complex web of influences that intersect in buyer-seller relation-
ships, an account manager must initiate, develop, and sustain a network of relationships,
within both the firm and the customer organization. Compared with their colleagues,
high-performing account managers excel at building relationships and develop a richer
base of customer and competitor knowledge that they use to create superior solutions
for the customer.
Managing the sales force is a multifaceted task. First, the marketer must clearly
define the role of personal selling in overall marketing strategy. Second, the sales
organization must be appropriately structured-by geography, product, market, or
some combination of all three. Regardless of the sales force organization, an increas-
ing number of busi11ess-to-business firms are also establishing a key account sales
force so they can profitably serve large customers with complex purchasing require-
ments. Third, the ongoing process of sales force administration includes recruitment
and selection, training, supervision and motivation, and evaluation and control.
A particularly challenging sales management task is deploying sales effort across
products, customer types, and territories. The sales resource opportunity grid is a
useful organizing framework for sales deployment decisions. Likewise, the business
marketer can benefit by implementing a CRM system. Such tools can help the sales
manager pinpoint attractive accounts, deploy the selling effort, coordinate activities
across multiple sales channels, and build customer loyalty.
Discussion Questions
1. As drivers of relationship marketing effectiveness, compare and contrast
relationship breadth and relationship composition.
2. Some customers are more open to relationship marketing initiatives
than others. Under what conditions would customers tend to be more
responsive to relationship-building efforts by the salesperson?
Chapter 16 Bzmfless fl/1m‘/eating Commm2imtz'om.- 1‘!/Immgmg the Person/11 Selling Fzmction 42 7
Type of Decision Specific Development Decisions
Set total level of selling effort Determine sales force size
Organize selling effort Design sales districts
Design sales territories
Allocate selling effort Allocate effort to trading areas
Allocate sales calls to accounts
Allocate sales calls to prospects
Allocate sales call time to products
Determine length of sales call
SOURCE: Reprinted by permission of the publisher from “Steps in Selling Effort Deployment,†by Raymond LaForgc
and David VV. Cravens, Indnrtri/21 M'm'.{’eti71g.Mmz/zgement 11 (July 1982): p. 184. Copyright © 1982 by Elsevier Science
Publishing Co,, Inc.
1. Environmental factors (e.g., health of economy)
2. Competition (e.g., number of competitive salespersons)
3. Company marketing strategy and tactics
4. Sales force organization, policies, and procedures
5. Field sales manager characteristics
6. Salesperson Characteristics
7. Territory characteristics (e.g., potential)
8. Individual customer factors
SOURCE: Adapted from Adrian B. Ryans and Charles B. Weinberg, “Territory Sales Response,†]‘om*m1l offi/I1z1‘keting
Remzrc/J 16 (November 1979): pp. 45 3-465
of estimating sales response functions. Such estimates are needed, however, to make
meaningful sales allocations.
Three territory traits deserve particular attention in sales response studies:
potential, concentration, and dispersion.“ Potential (as discussed in Chapter 5)
is a measure of the total business opportunity for all sellers in a particular market.
Concentration refers to how much potential lies with a few larger accounts in that
territory. If potential is concentrated, the salesperson can cover with a few calls a large
proportion of the potential. Finally, if the territory is geographically dispersed, sales
are probably lower because of time wasted in travel. Past research often centered on
territory workload-the number of accounts. However, Adrian Ryans and Charles
Weinberg report that workload is of questionable value in estimating sales response:
“From a managerial standpoint, the recurrent finding of an association between po-
tential and sales results suggests that sales managers should stress territory potential
when making sales force decisions.†“9
Sales Resource Opportunity Grid Deployment analysis matches sales resources to
market opportunities. Planning and control units such as sales territories or districts
“Adrian B. Ryans and Charles B. Vlfeinbcrg, “Territory Sales Response,†fozmml qf1l“Im’/eetirzg Rt’.S‘£’(I7T/J 16 (November
1979): pp. 453-465; see also Ryans and Weinberg, “Territory Sales Response Models: Stability over Time,†fozmml fl‘
A/I/17′/eetiizg Reremflv Z 4 (May 1987): pp. 229-233.
“Ryans and Weinberg, “Territory Sales Response,†p. 464.
Part IV Formulating Business Marketing Strategy
PCU offers good opportunity PCU may offer good opportunity if
because it has high potential and sales organization can strengthen
because sales organization has its position
strong position
High Soles Resource Assignment
Sales Resource Assignment Either direct a high level of sales
High level of sales resources to resources to improve position and
take advantage of opportunity take advantage of opportunity or
shift resources to other PCUS
Oppommlly Opportunity Analysis Opportunity Analysis
PCU offers stable opportunity PCU offers little opportunity
because sales organization has
strong position Sales Resource Assignment
Minimal level of sales resources;
LOW Sales Resource Assignment selectively eliminate resource
Moderate level of sales resources coverage; possible elimination of
to keep current position strength PCU ly
High low
Sales Organization Strength
SOURCE: Reprinted by permission of the publisher from “Steps in Selling Effort Deployment,†by Raymond LaForge
and David W’. Cravcns, Imz’u.ctri/rl .Mm’leetz’ngiwmuzgezrzerzt 11 (July 1982): p. 187. Copyright © 1982 by Elsevier Science
Publishing Co., Inc.
are part of an overall portfolio, with various units offering various levels of opportunity
and requiring various levels of sales resources. A sales resource opportunity grid can be
used to classify the business-to-business firm’s portfolio of PCUS.So In Figure 16.4, each
PCU is classified on the basis of PCU opportunity and sales organization strength.
PCU opportunity is the PCU’s total potential for all sellers, Whereas sales
organization strength includes the firm’s competitive advantages or distinctive
competencies within the PCU. By positioning all PCUs on the grid, the sales man-
ager can assign sales resources to those that have the greatest level of opportunity
and capitalize on the particular strengths of the sales organization. For example,
existing customers and prospects that are most appropriately positioned in the upper
left cell of the grid represent the most attractive target While those in the lower right
cell represent the least attractive.
5°LaForge and Cravens, “Steps in Selling Effort Deployment,†pp. 183-194.


Watch this Documentary video (Michael Wood – In search of Beowulf) and write a summary of Beowulf and any important aspects about Beowulf that have been discussed in the video.

Time and History

Order Description
Movie Review Paper,
The purpose of this paper is to rigorously analyze, one or more of the four films we have viewed to begin the course. Papers should provide a critical evaluation of the themes, formal strategies, and styles of the films under consideration, and consist of close readings of the films you select. Refer to specific examples from the films, and discuss in detail the relationship between formal structure (composition, lighting, camera angles and movement, editing strategies, and so on) and thematic content. You may rely on your notes, but your paper will be stronger if you review the films again.
2) In writing your paper, draw from lectures, your notes, and outside research materials including essays from the course reader and other critical sources. These are research papers and should not consist solely of opinions or responses, but of arguments. (NOTE: be careful when using internet sources, they are not always reliable or accurate.) You are free to draw upon as many sources as possible, but you must properly cite and footnote all sources fully. Failure to do so amounts to plagiarism and will result in a failing grade.
3) Write clearly and concisely: you must proofread your essays. Grading will take into account the strength of your argument, your use of examples from the films and citations from your research, but also the quality of your writing. Ungrammatical sentences, misspelled words, and poorly articulated sentences will result in lower marks.

Time and History. How is history constructed, narrated, and represented in one of the films we have seen so far? What is the relation between “history†and “time,†between objective, public, “historical†events on the one hand; and subjective, often private, personal experiences on the other? How do the films establish a relation between the movement of history and the passage of time? Select one film and consider the way in which time and history are rendered.