Friday, June 28, 2013


Examine the definition of literacy as stated by the Ministry of education. Explain the implications of this definition for engaging students in literacy lessons/activities.
MOE definition, “Literacy is not just the ability to read and write, the kind of definition which for many years in the past was the norm. It is more than that. In order to live and learn in our present knowledge-based and information-intensive societies, literacy needs now to be viewed as the ability to understand and to use various types of information, in the various communities; it must be linked to societal and cultural practices for the definition to be meaningful. Literacy encompasses among other things the ability to read, write and comprehend in one’s native/standard language; numeracy; the ability to comprehend visual images and representations such as signs, maps and diagrams – visual literacy; information technological literacy and the understanding of how information/communication technology impacts our every action (e.g. using barcodes on goods we purchase) and also scientific literacy.”


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