Thursday, August 8, 2013

Compare and contrast the rape of Io by Jove and the rape of Philomela by Tereus.

Paper instructions:
•    Concisely paraphrase both stories using proper citation.
o    Your citation belongs either after a direct quote or what you are paraphrasing
o    An example of correct citation: (Ovid, Met. II. 375-404).
•    Provide concrete examples from the primary sources by use of direct quotation and/or summary
•    Discuss the difference in the language used to describe the rape scenes
•    Discuss why the rapes could be different due to the divine status of Jove vs. the mortal status of Tereus
•    Discuss how such a myth could be didactic, i.e. used to reinforce social values or teach a lesson
•    Discuss the ‘significant other’ in both cases and what role they play in the myth (Hera and Procne)
•    Comment on how such myths can teach us about Greek and Roman civilization, culture, and religion

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CLA 2000 Essay Assignment             Summer 2013  DUE: Thursday August 8th

Choose one of the following topics:

1) Compare and contrast the rape of Callisto or Io by Jove with the rape of Philomela by Tereus.
            Your essay should:
·         Begin with a proper introductory paragraph with a clearly stated thesis
o   E.g.: In this essay I investigate the ancient sources, both Greek and Latin, from the particular time period of the plague under Marcus Aurelius for evidence of the use of language as a means of power by drawing on the theories and information presented by Pierre Bourdieu and Briggs and Mantini-Briggs. By applying their theories to the ancient sources I will show that even though the evidence is scant and not as blatant as the examples they use, there are still linguistic elements that express relations of power, social structure, class that are ripe for analysis. 
·         Concisely paraphrase both stories using proper citation.
o   Your citation belongs either after a direct quote or what you are paraphrasing
o   An example of correct citation: (Ovid, Met. II. 375-404).
·         Provide concrete examples from the primary sources by use of direct quotation and/or summary
·         Discuss the difference in the language used to describe the rape scenes
·         Discuss why the rapes could be different due to the divine status of Jove vs. the mortal status of Tereus
·         Discuss how such a myth could be didactic, i.e. used to reinforce social values or teach a lesson
·         Discuss the ‘significant other’ in both cases and what role they play in the myth (Hera and Procne)
·         Comment on how such myths can teach us about Greek and Roman civilization, culture, and religion
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2) Explore the myth of Oedipus in relation to the definition of taboo.
            Your essay should:
·         Begin with a proper introductory paragraph with a clearly stated thesis
o   E.g.: In this essay I investigate the ancient sources, both Greek and Latin, from the particular time period of the plague under Marcus Aurelius for evidence of the use of language as a means of power by drawing on the theories and information presented by Pierre Bourdieu and Briggs and Mantini-Briggs. By applying their theories to the ancient sources I will show that even though the evidence is scant and not as blatant as the examples they use, there are still linguistic elements that express relations of power, social structure, class that are ripe for analysis. 
·         Concisely paraphrase the myth using proper citation (see above explanation)
·         Provide concrete examples from the primary sources by use of direct quotation and/or summary
·         Draw from the following definition of taboo presented by Mary Douglas. She suggests that societies are likely to see things as taboo when they are anomalous, when they don’t fit neatly into a society’s classification of the world. She believes that things which exist at the borders of society, or on the boundaries between categories are perceived as possessing both power and danger. (Douglas, Purity and Danger. Routledge, London and New York. 1966).
·         Draw from M, L, & S’s discussion on Oedipus, Freud, and taboo in reference to heroes
·         Discuss how such a myth could be didactic, i.e. used to reinforce social values or teach a lesson
·         Comment on how such a myth can teach us about Greek and Roman civilization, culture, and religion

3) An essay topic of your choice. If there is a particular topic you would like to research I am willing to allow you to write an essay on it. However, you MUST turn in a short paper proposal before I will allow you to do so.

In grading your essays I will be looking for the following:
  • A proper introductory paragraph with a clear thesis statement
  • An argument that is easy to follow with properly organized paragraphs
  • That you are employing a primary source for your evidence and citing it properly, whether in direct quotation or paraphrase
  • That you know the facts about the myth that you are discussing
  • That you have thought about the deeper meaning and implications of the myth
  • A proper concluding paragraph
  • A proper work cited page
  • That you have the technical skills to write an essay, including but not limited to the use of proper academic language, spelling, grammar, and punctuation
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The essay should be 5-6 pages long, double-spaced, with reasonable font sizes, types, and margins. Please number your pages consecutively and staple them together in order. No cover page. Work cited page required. Please refer to my essay example on BB for correct citation style and format. No email submissions accepted.

The essay is meant to allow you to think and write about the nature of Greek and Roman mythology. I am looking to see that you have absorbed the material and made some part of it your own. Therefore, it MUST be your own, original work. Any attempt at plagiarism will result in a failing grade for the assignment.

Please refrain from relying on websites to gather your evidence. An essay that employs such sources will be marked down. You should really only need the primary sources in your text, Ovid, and/or the text assigned for the course.

I will use the following rubric (100 pts)
  • Introduction and thesis = 20
  • Source usage = 10
  • Source citation = 10
  • Facts = 20
  • Deeper implications = 20
  • Conclusion = 10
  • Technical skill = 10
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