Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Medical Informatics and Laboratory Management

3. Provide an example of how you managed a complex staffing/team situation. Provide examples of strategies you needed to consider

Medical Informatics and Laboratory Management
Essay One
The purpose of your essay is to show your understanding of laboratory management issues that you may have experienced and have some direct knowledge or you may not have experienced at all. Your essay is intended for a lay audience i.e. one which has limited understanding of your field of practice and the issues associated with this field. Therefore your language needs to be technical/scientific to indicate knowledge and authority in the field but at a level that a layperson would understand.
1- Provide an example of how you managed a complex staffing/team situation. Provide examples of strategies you needed to consider.
Write descriptive essay supported by evidence from the literature including both peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed sources e.g. journals, books and personal experience. It will be up to you to validate your sources to ensure the credibility of your essay.
You should use illustrations and pictures where possible to support the newsworthiness of your essay topic. If you have downloaded images from the web or scanned images always include the source and permission to use if required. The essay should be word-processed in double spacing using Times New Roman and no less than 12 point font size. Your essay should have a title followed by your name. Your essay should have an abstract, introduction, body and conclusion. You should include a brief list of sources used in preparing your report. These should be appropriately formatted allowing the reader to access the source without difficulty.

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