Thursday, August 1, 2013

Please read Slater's and Turkle's essay and use Hochschild's essay in connection with Turkle's.(Two essays will be uploaded)

Paper instructions:

Essay Question:
Take what Slater has taught us about mechanical interventions into the human brain and use it to critically analyze Turkle's therories about the authentic and the inauthentic in the age of high technology. In your piece, see if you can use Slater to confirm, challenge, refute, limit, extend, complicate, raise questions for, or otherwise rethink and reassess Turkle's claims about implications of the authentic and the inauthentic.

Is Deep Brain Stimulation and its results a classic case of the inauthentic as Turkle understands it? Or are they something quiet different?
How can Slater help us see Turkle's claims in a new way? Or can she??

Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!

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