Sunday, August 11, 2013


1. Dove Ad-Onslaught
Women’s Bodies; Dove Ads; The Vagina Monologues
Watch: Dove Ads; and read “You’re the Fattest Ballerina.
Write a paragraph-long Answer in response to one of the Dove Ads (see Syllabus for total required number of Answers and Responses). Your Answer can be a personal response (How does the ad affect you; how does it make you feel; what does it remind you of in your own life?) or a critical response (does the ad work well; does it accomplish its goal; why or why not? What could it do differently or better?). For the required number of Answers and Responses, see the Syllabus or Welcome to Week #. AND REMEMBER: IN YOUR SUBJECT LINE AFTER YOUR NAME, SPECIFY *WHICH ONE OF THE ADS* YOU ARE DISCUSSING
Watch: All clips for The Vagina Monologues Answer: WRWC Discussion
Choose a Hollywood film and pay close attention to how it constructs a viewing position for you as spectator, especially in relationship to the women’s bodies on the screen. Interview spectators for their reactions to the film, paying particular attention to how factors such as race, class, sexual orientation, and ethnicity affect them. Compare your analyses of the film based on these two approaches for their strengths and weaknesses regarding the “visibility politics of the female body.” Be sure to address ALL parts of this question.
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