Thursday, February 21, 2013

Seminar in Administration of Justice

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1.You are to assume the role of a senator or congressional representative in the state you reside in. As the governor prepares his or her annual budget, what areas would you like to see funded for crime control? List your top three areas. Fully describe each area, provide justifications for this funding, and support your positions and appropriate reference to the literature.
2. According to Worrall certain methods of crime control do have an effect on crime while others may not. Using the literature for support, describe the effectiveness of each of the following methods.
A- Directed Patrol for drugs and guns
B- Deferred sentencing for drug offenders
C- Chemical castration for sex offenders
D- Student behavior modification program
E- Big brother and big sister programs
3. According to Worrell certain crime control methods appear to be failures. Using the literature for support. Describe the following familiar method and why they failed. Then describe alternate methods that should be considered for each.
A- 311 Phone line
B- Random patrol
C- Hiring more detectives
D- Abolishing plea bargaining
E- DARE Program
4. Two common themes in Worrell’s Crime control in America are:
1. Beyond the justice system
2. Early intervention is the key too success
Please provide details of these themes and cite relevant examples of each.
5.What role does the community play in the Criminal Justice system? Fully describe the involvement of the community with the following:
A. Policing
B. Prosecution
C. Corrections
D. Rehabilitation and Treatment
E. Community Care Control
F. School Board Control

How did U.S. policymakers justify their policies in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America in the early years of the 20th century

Paper instructions:
How did U.S. policymakers justify their policies in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central America in the early years of the 20th century? What influence did the U.S. assert there?

An essay on how mobility has influenced social changes.

How mobility has influenced social changes?


Social Darwinism in Conrads Heart of Darkness

The paper is on social darwinism in heart of darkness
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An essay describing TIGER files and usefulness for transportation

An essay describing TIGER files and usefulness for transportation



Construct a case study/research paper that examines a firm in the U.S. from a microeconomic standpoint and provide suggestions based on your findings.

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Paper instructions:
Case Study Analysis Paper


A significant criminal event may occur at any place and at any time. The size of the jurisdiction does not dictate the scope and scale of the incident. It is perfectly possible, even predictable, that investigative needs will be beyond the resources and/or sophistication of a local law enforcement agency. In such cases, one option is to expand the resources available through multiagency collaboration and cooperation (e.g., a task force). However, regardless of who or how many investigative resources are brought to bear on an incident, the parent agency remains responsible for the successful outcome of the criminal investigation.

Project Setting

Acting as a subject matter expert on criminal investigation, you have been asked to assist in the creation of a simulation exercise of a multijurisdictional criminal investigation. Some of the preliminary work has already been completed. Your specific task is to compile the post investigation review document (rubric) to be used by exercise assessors in their evaluation of the quality of the criminal investigation. This is what you know:

A series of 11 random explosions have occurred in an area that traverses two states, and a total of seven counties (five counties in one state and two counties in the other state), embracing a total of nine cities and incorporated towns. The explosions resulted in five deaths, 32 injuries, and significant property damage. In each case, the explosion was detonated remotely. The lead investigative agency is the Virtual, Maryland, Police Department, because the first three explosions occurred within its jurisdiction. VPD has about 100 sworn personnel, including 17 all-purpose detective investigators. It has a certified forensic laboratory for rudimentary analysis, staffed by credentialed civilians. Ultimately, two suspects were identified and apprehended, one adult male and one teenage (minor) male. Statements were made by each, resulting in investigative searches and seizures of forensic evidence. Both subjects eventually confessed to their respective and collective parts in the crimes.

Assessors in the simulation exercise will be debriefing the role players as to their actions; their understanding of the legal basis, purpose, and advantages and disadvantages of their investigative strategies; and the conduct of the investigation. The assessors have already come up with a series of questions for the participants. You have been asked to provide the "model" answer against which the responses of the participants will be graded.

Following are the questions to be posed by the simulation exercise assessors to the investigators:

    Investigative Task Force
        Assuming that legal authority was not an issue, should this investigation be conducted by VPD personnel or a multijurisdictional task force?
        At what point should the potential of establishing an investigative task force be considered?
        What are the advantages and disadvantages of an investigative task force?
        Who, or what entities, should be involved in the decision to create an investigative task force?
        Assuming, on balance, that you favor a task force approach, what difficulties do you foresee, and how will each be addressed?
        What demands and/or concessions should VPD exercise in order to employ a cooperative task force in this particular case?

    Legal Issues

1.    What legal issues should be considered when embarking on a task force investigative strategy?

2.    How are each of these issues resolved?

C.    Forensic Evidence Collection and Analysis

        Without regard to individual items of forensic evidence, describe the steps necessary to ensure that items, materials, and samples are eligible as forensic evidence in a criminal proceeding.
        In what ways do the evidence collection procedures differ at the scenes of the explosions versus the residences of each of the suspects?

D.    Testimonial Evidence

1.    Describe the steps necessary to ensure that verbal or written communications from each of the suspects are eligible as testimonial evidence in a criminal proceeding.

2.    Describe the direct and indirect consequences if the testimonial evidence is deemed inadmissible by the trial court.

E. Public Information

    As the investigation proceeds, in general terms, what information is or is not available to
        non-VPD members of the task force?
        other law enforcement agencies?
        family members of the deceased and injured victims?
        credentialed news reporters?
        community members?
    Who should be the point of contact for investigative information, and how should that designation be decided?