Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Exegetical Paper on Romans 7:7-25

***Turabian Format Only***

Please provide a writing Sample. Instructions listed below


You will be required to submit an Exegetical Paper over the Biblical passage Romans 7:7-25. The paper must follow Turabian style & formatting guidelines. The body of your paper should be 14 pages in length. You will be required to utilize at least 9 scholarly sources (3 exegetical commentaries + 6 specialty articles or books that were written to address directly your passage or a part of it). Proper citations and use of sources are expected. 

You will be graded on style and content. You will find instructions for a basic exegetical paper in Appendix 2 of Grasping God’s Word. Do not add part 2 (Main Idea and Outline) to your paper; for this paper, do not state your thesis separate from your introduction and conclusion, but instead include it in both. Everyone should have the following parts developed uniquely for their passage and writing style:
-Historical-cultural Context: This should include the author, audience, and the purpose in which the passage was written. 
-Literarry Context: Focus on literary genre and surrounding context
-Exegetial Analysis: Focus on the theme and structure, Paul's analysis of Sin, The "Flesh-Spirit Contrast, The Role of the Law, and the Reference of the "I"

Most of the research, writing, and overall effort should be focused on a sound exegetical section. Your exegetical section is the heart of your paper, therefore make sure that you go behind the English key words and phrases in order to find the range of meaning in the original language and then place the best meaning into your analysis that matches context and grammatical construction; your first object is to establish firmly the plain meaning of the text prior to considering what theological principles God may be teaching (consider the English-only fallacy as you review Duvall and Hays, Chapter 9  & Klein et al, Chapter 7 carefully).

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