Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Forum Response

At this point we all recognize the challenges we face at the high school level and understand that we play a critical role in supporting and helping students to master the skill of reading and writing to learn.  From here on, we will keep the discussion focused on learning strategies that will improve our classroom practice as we teach in our respective content areas. Please  note, that as a specialist in your discipline, you are not teaching literacy skills divorced from your content. Rather think of how you can integrate these strategies as you teach your content area to enhance students' learning in your discipline. Your goal is to help students learn strategic readingthat will  improve their level of comprehension by: making connections to prior knowledge; generating questions about what they are reading; creating mental images, making inferences, determining what is important and what they need to pay attention to; synthesizing information and monitoring reading and applying fix-up strategies (Buehl, 2000). 
Text Structure and Graphic Organizers
To facilitate comprehension, readers need to have a sense of what is important when reading material that is pack with information (Buehl, 2000). When students have a sense of what to focus on they can formulate the right questions that then provide a focus or purpose for reading. When this happens students are not just reading, but they are using reading to find specific bits of information (Strategic Reading).
Teachers can help students formulate the right questions by teaching students how to recognize  different 'text frames'. Writers use 'text frames' to organize their writings to reflect the connection between important ideas, concepts and themes (Buehl, 2000). Asking the right questions, during reading requires an understanding of how authors connect important information to communicate ideas.

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Typically there are six text frames:
1. Problem/solution
2. cause/effect
3. compare/contrast
4. goal/action/outcome
6. proposition/support

Each of the above text frame should guide the reader into a different set of questions directed at understanding the author's message.
Go to the next forum for this week for the discussion..........

Discussion question
1. What can teachers do to facilitate the comprehension process as they engage students with texts designed for them (students) to read to learn?

2. Write one question at the end.

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