Project description
1. References:
Suggest reading through Student Handbook guidance on writing references for dissertation;
a. internet source: (accessed on xxx date)
b. journal articles; university library online database; google scholar
c. Keep a record for yourself throughout the writing process
d. Use Harvard referencing style in the text; consult student handbook
2. Disertation structure
Chapter 1: Introduction about 1,000
Chapter 2: Literature Review 3,000-4,000 words
a. understand what has been discussed; leading authors in the field; the specific questions they have asked; research sample they have used; specific research methods they have used; conclusions they have reached;
b. questions that have been asked can be used again, if given references;
c. previously asked questions and reached conclusions are critical, and should be the starting point for your literature review, after a brief introduction what has been done for your particular topic.
Chapter 3: Research Methods 2,500-3,500 words (critically important)
a. consult any business & management textbook for specific guidelines on pros and cons of questionnaires, interviews, and other research methods;
b. in your research methods chapter, you should write on the following
b1) provide an overview of different methods having been used for your topic;
b2) discuss pros and cons of questionnaire survey and interviews; refer extensively to the text;
b3) discuss specific methods you decided to use, discuss in particular how you tried to reduce problems of this method;
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c. give sufficient details for the specific procedures you have carried out your data collection method;
d. note down sample characteristics: age, nationality, gender, education background, position; consult previous dissertations; if questionnaire survey, e-mail me your draft questionnaire; keep a copy of the questionnaire; if interview, tape-record or take extensive notes; write about this in your chapter how long each interview lasted; if you had tape-recorded it or took notes;
e. other suggestions: keep a timetable of the interviews arranged & conducted;
Chapter 4 Analysis / Findings and Discussions 3,000-4,500
Keep each table/pie charts in one page;
Chapter 5 Conclusion 500 -1,000
Basic ingredients are the same as previous chapters, but innovate as you can.
Appendices; including in this section your questionnaire or interview questions; (in both languages)
1. Title page
2. Acknowledgement
3. Table of Contents (with page number)
4. List of Tables/Figures (with page number)
These should be done strictly in accordance with the requirement.
Referencing Requirements:
• Deng, P. 2004. Outward investment by Chinese MNCs: motivations and implications. Business Horizons, 47(3): 8-16.
• Johanson, J., and Valhne, J.-E. 1977. The internationalisation process of the firm - a model of knowledge development and increasing foreign market commitments. Journal of International Business Studies, 8(1): 23-32.
• Rui, H., & Yip, G.S., 2008. Foreign acquisitions by Chinese firms: A strategic intent perspective, Journal of World Business, (43):3: 213-226.
• McSweeney, B. (2002) ‘Hofstede’s Model of National Cultural Differences and their Consequences: A Triumph of Faith – a Failure of Analysis’, Human Relations, 55, 1, 89-118.
• Edwards, T., Colling, T. and Ferner, F. (2007) ‘Conceptual approaches to the transfer of employment practices in multinational companies: an integrated approach’. Human Resource Management Journal, 17(3): 201-217.Click Here To Get More On This Paper!!!!
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