Friday, October 4, 2013


discussion #1
Use the following vignette to respond to the discussion questions.
Four teachers want their students to understand the rule saying that non-essential clauses in sentences are set off by commas.
Janet Reeve displays six sentences on the overhead, three of which contain essential clauses and three others that contain non-essential clauses. She points out the clauses, correctly punctuates them, and explains why they are punctuated in this way. She then gives the students several sentences for practice, directing them to correctly punctuate the clauses in the sentences.
Steve Smith presents several sentences which contain essential clauses and other sentences that contain non-essential clauses. He directs the students to look for clauses in the sentences that have commas around them, and he guides them to conclude that the clauses set off by commas are not essential, whereas those that don’t have commas around them are essential. He then gives the students some additional sentences to punctuate correctly.
Javier Sanchez presents a paragraph which contains three underlined essential clauses and three other underlined non-essential clauses, each punctuated correctly. The class discusses the common features of the underlined and italicized clauses, and, with Javier’s guidance they arrive at a rule for punctuating essential and non-essential clauses. Javier then directs the students to write a paragraph containing at least three examples of essential clauses and three other examples of non-essential clauses, all punctuated correctly.CLICK HERE TO GET MORE ON THIS PAPER.....
Susan Welna presents a passage in which several examples of essential and non-essential clauses are embedded. She asks the students to describe the passages, and after they have made several observations, she punctuates the sentences properly, explaining the rule in the process.
Which teacher in the vignette most nearly based his or her learning activity on the suggestions for classroom practice that are grounded in the principles of cognitive learning theory? Explain.
Which teacher in the vignette least nearly based his or her learning activity on the suggestions for classroom practice that are grounded in the principles of cognitive learning theory? Explain.
(Minimum response of 350 words and 3 references)
What similarities and differences exist between behaviorist, social cognitive, and the human memory model views of learning? Are either more valuable to teaching at different grade levels? In different subject matter areas? For different topics? Which and why?

Marketing and business managment

Marketing and business management.
University education.
The Uk now boosts six of the world’s top 20 universities, according to a new global table. Edinburgh and kings collage London have edged into the top 20 of the QS world university rankings.
Cambridge, UCL, imperial and oxford all made it into the top 10.
But john o’leary, of QS, warned that unless the uk puts more funding into higher education its leading position could slip.
Edinburburgh rose to 17th place from 21st place last year and kings collage London to 19th from 26th in 2012.
Us Domination
The top Uk University was Cambridge in third position, behind Massachusetts institute of technology at the top of the table and Harvard in the second. University collage of London (UCL) and imperial occupied fourth and fifth places, with oxford in sixth. Universities in the United States made up the rest of the top 10. There were eight Uk universities in the top 50 and 18 in the top 100, with graduates from oxford and Cambridge rated as the world’s most employable by 27,000 global graduate employers polled for the ranking.
“clearly the prestige of a degree is recognised by employers around the world, and the brand name value of oxbridge has so far survived any negative publicity following the tuition fee hikes and students protests,” said Bensowter, head of research at QS.
However the ranking also suggest that Uk universities struggles to keep up with the US when it comes to cutting-edge research. Of UK University, only Cambridge made the top 30 for research citations, with UCL, Oxford and imperial in the top 50
‘Not Complacent’
“The UK invest below the OECD average in higher education, so it is unrealististic to expect its universities to continue to punch above their weight indefinitely,” said john o’Leary, of the QS global academic advisory board. “The current success of the leading institutions shows how vital it is that the government matches the investment being made by other countries of education order to maintain their world-class status.” UCL’s new president and provost, Professor Michael Arthur, said the university’s high place in the rankings reflected its effort both in the uk and overseas.
But he said: “As pleasing as it is, rankings success will not divert us from focussing on our core mission of educating and inspiring our students and delivering world class research.”
Dr Wendy Piatt of the Russell Group noted that all six Uk universities in the top 20 and 17 of the 18 in the top 100 were members of the group.
“Their focus on research excellence and high-quality teaching means the Uk performs formidably well against other nations in spite of its size”, said Dr Piatt.
However, she warned:” if our universities are to compete in the future they need the government to provide light-tough regulation and continued investment, and to be welcoming to genuine international students. “it is worth again highlighting that the process of ranking universities is fraught with difficulties and they should not be used alone in judging the quality of an institution,”
Universities minister David Willets said the ranking were “fantastic news for the universities, their academics, and their students, who are some of the most employable in the world-however we are not complacent, and know we must work hard to remain the best”.
He added:”Our reforms to undergraduate finance have put universities on a sustainable financial footing and sharpened incentives to deliver a world-class student experience.
“We have protected research funding, encouraging universities to invest in cutting-edge research and we are helping our universities make the most of the growing opportunities globally through our international education strategy.”
YOUR TASK: using contemporary illustrative examples from academic literature and reputable business publications, discus the challenges to education establishment wishing to move up the rankings. What kind of marking strategy will enable them to move further up? Make recommendations, suitable to an educational entity of your choice, to enable them harness the growth currently being experienced in this region.

novels Brave New World

Paper instructions:
First of all, you need to have read the novels Brave New World, 1984 and maybe the anthem.
Write a 3-3.5 page paper and follow what it says in the next paragraph
In the following passage, the contemporary social critic Neil Postman contrasts George Orwell’s vision of the future, as expressed in the novel 1984 (written in 1948), with that of Aldous Huxley in the novel Brave New World (1932). Read the passage, considering Postman’s assertion that Huxley’s vision is more relevant today than is Orwell’s. Then, using your own critical understanding of contemporary society as evidence, write a carefully argued essay that agrees or disagrees with Postman’s assertion. Please integrate Ayn Rand’s “anthem” into your response as well.CLICK HERE TO GET MORE ON THIS PAPER.....
We were keeping our eye on 1984. When the year came and the prophecy didn’t, thoughtful Americans sang softly in praise of themselves. The roots of liberal democracy had held. Wherever else the terror had happened, we, at least, had not been visited by Orwellian nightmares. But we had forgotten that alongside Orwell’s dark vision, there was another – slightly older, slightly less well known, equally chilling: Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Contrary to common belief even among the educated, Huxley and Orwell did not prophesy the same thing. Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley’s vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think.CLICK HERE TO GET MORE ON THIS PAPER.....
What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passitivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy. As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions”. In 1984, Huxley added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In “Brave New World”, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us.

Ocean Carriers Case Questions

1. What factors drive average daily hire rates?
2. Should Ms. Linn purchase the $39 M capesize? Make 2 different assumptions.
First, assume that Ocean Carriers is a US firm subject to 35% taxation.
Second, assume that Ocean Carriers is located in Hong-Kong, where owners of the Hong-Kong ships are not required to pay any tax on profits made overseas, and are also exempted from paying any tax on profit made on cargo uplifted from Hong-Kong.
Assume (for both options above) that project life is 25 years.
(number 2 question should be answered by using excel sheet to answer and calculate the assumtions)

Article Review

Article Review The doctrine of respondeat superior, states that an employer may be held liable for the actions of his/her employees. For this assignment, you will choose a peer-reviewed article to review regarding this doctrine as it relates to the heal 

form of a letter of advice

Paper instructions:
Final Paper
To complete the following assignment, go to this week’s Final Paper link in the left navigation.
Final Paper: Letter of Advice
Imagine that a newly engaged couple hears that you are taking a course in interpersonal communication, and wants advice for their relationship. Based on what you have learned in this course, what advice would you give them regarding how to effectively use interpersonal communication in their relationship? Write your paper in the form of a letter.
Choose at least five (5) of the twelve (12) course learning outcomes below to help guide your letter: For each of the five learning outcomes that you use, create a separate section with a heading that reflects the learning outcome that you are using.
1.Explain the principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications.
2.Identify the barriers to effective interpersonal interactions.
3.Describe the process by which self-concept is developed and maintained.
4.Assess their personal communications and improve their communication competencies.
5.Develop strategies for active, critical, and empathic listening.
6.Recognize how words have the power to create and affect attitudes, behavior, and perception.
7.Understand how perceptions, emotions, and nonverbal expression affect interpersonal relationships.
8.Define emotional intelligence and its role in effective interpersonal relationships.
9.Evaluate appropriate levels of self-disclosure in relationships.
10.Describe strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts.
11.Recognize how self-concept and defensive and supportive messages and behaviors create positive and negative communication climates.
12.Understand the impact of gender and culture on interpersonal communications.

How does the thinking of george w. bush defined him in the public eye


The balance of power

Project description
This week’s assignment involves the sort of data collection and manipulation that
you might have to do for a project of your own. It seems straightforward, but the
devil is in the details: there are a lot of land mines even the simplest data-gathering
exercise. The assignment is designed to point them out and help you walk around
The Correlates of War Project (COW) produces one of the most widely-used
datasets in all of international relations: the National Material Capabilities Index
(NMCI). This index consists of annual values for total population, urban population,
iron and steel production, energy consumption, military personnel, and military
expenditure of all countries in the international system, from 1816-2007. In order
to calculate a country’s overall capabilities, COW takes the average of each country’s
share of system-wide resources in each of these six categories.
In this assignment, you will reproduce a more limited version of the NMCI
using present-day data.
1. Go to the Wikipedia pages for world population, GDP, and military expenditures.
?? For each page, extract the relevant data into a separate Excel spreadsheet.
(For population, use United Nations estimates.)
2. Get rid of all columns except country name and the quantity of interest (GDP,
population, and military expenditures, respectively). Add a first row and use
it for column names (“Country” and “GDP,” for example.)
3. Tidy up the data. Get rid of any extra characters. Select the key numeric
variables, go to the Format menu, choose “Cells…”, and convert them to
General—this gets rid of commas, dollar signs, percentages, etc., which are a
real pain when saved to a .csv file. When working on this step, beware of the
following problems:
??Wikipedia is convenient, but the data quality sucks. Never forget this. If this were more than an
exercise, you’d take the time to find better sources.
(a) Unless you used Outwit Hub in step 1, some of the country names will
have spaces in front of them. These are a pain to get rid of. The simplest
way is to copy them from the Excel spreadsheet into a text editor, use a
Find-and-replace command to get rid of them, and copy and paste them
back into Excel.
(b) Some names and numbers have Wikipedia footnotes (“b”, “[20]”) stuck
on the end. Outwit won’t save you from these. Deleting them by hand
in Excel is probably the fastest way to get rid of them.
(c) Wikipedia authors don’t always use the same names for the same countries,
so you need to make sure they’re consistent before merging them.
In particular, watch out for “China” and “People’s Republic of China,”
“Gambia” and “The Gambia,” and various combinations with “Congo”
and “Macedonia.”
4. Once you’re done tidying, save each dataset to a separate .csv file.
5. Create an R command file that does the following:
(a) Read each of the three .csv files into appropriately-named data frames
(for example, Pop, GDP, and MilEx).
(b) Summarize each of these data frames.
(c) In each data frame, create a new variable that reflects each country’s
percentage of the world total. (That is, divide the data column by the
world total.) Make sure that this new variable is part of the same data frame as
the original data column.
(d) Merge the three data frames. Match the data using country name.
(e) Create your version of the NMCI by calculating each country’s average
share of each of these three resources. If a country has 2% of the world’s
population, 1% of world GDP, and 4% of world military expenditures,
for example, its average share should be (2+1+4)/3 = 2.33%.
Your final dataset should have 8 columns: the name of the country, GDP (total
and percent of world), population (total and percent of world), military expenditures
(total and percent of world), and NMCI.
Due to Assignment 4 Drop-box: three .csv files and an R command file that creates
the data set described in 5., above.


compare and contrast of ‘Chimpanzee and Bonobos”
Project description
-Write a short (2-page) Compare and Contrast Essay on the social structures of Chimpanzees and Bonobos.
- A “Compare and Contrast” essay is a thoughtful comparison of two different things. The point of this assignment is for you to discuss what social behaviors are similar between chimpanzees and bonobos and what social behaviors are different between these two species.
-This assignment is a type of research paper, not an opinion paper. Use your textbook as your primary source of information (Stanford, Allen and Anton’s “Exploring Biological Anthropology” 3rd edition). no Wikipedia, no, no Enchanted or any other similar tertiary source.

Political geography

Paper instructions:
Please write about the reading by Myers, Klak and Koehl about Rwandan and Bosnian media coverage. What are some of the general differences in the way the two wars are covered by the media? According to the authors, what are the 4 rhetorical devices used to construct the Rwandan conflict as a ‘primitive’ war. Be sure to explain what each device is. Finally, why is it important to examine the media, and the way the media represent conflicts?

Health epidemiology

1. Describe in detail the epidemiology of the selected environmental health problem in terms of who, where, when and what. That is, what is the nature and the extent of the problem, who (persons) is affected, when (time) are they affected and where (place) are they affected? Make sure you describe in details any special groups or vulnerable populations that are at greater risk of than others. The extent of the problem must be described using the key measures of morbidity (incidence and prevalence rates) mortality (death rates), and disability (disability adjusted life years) used in public health. (20 points)
2. Discuss in details the risk factors for the problem. Make sure environmental, social and behavioral, cultural and economic factors contributing to the problem are described.

The value of higher education in today’s society

Paper instructions:
The research paper for this course should integrate these personal and professional skills and discuss the value of higher education in today’s society. Specifically address the following issues in your paper.
• What skills (teamwork, technology, communication, etc.) did you develop and/or strengthen?
• How will you use these skills to begin or improve your career?
• What opportunities does higher education provide to citizens?
• What have you gained from your educational journey and why would you encourage others to follow in your footsteps?
• How will you maintain a lifelong learning attitude?

IT Solutions

1. How can IT Solutions understand its present limitations and future opportunities?
2. What does it need to change – its internal business structure, its relationships with its clients, its agreements with its clients, the products it offers, they way it operates to thereby improve the client experience, the skills of its employees?
3. Has IT Solution got the right partnership strategy? Which business analytical tools should be used to analyze and improve the client partnerships for the future?
4. What intellectual assets does the company have?
5. Can IT Solutions convert its client partnerships into intellectual property?

Philosophy ethics

 Project description
 this essay must have a thesis early in the paper that tells the reader what you will argue for. ‘Argue’ is a key. the essay will be about Critically discuss Aristotle’s function argument. What does Aristotle aim to establish with this argument? Is he able to establish it? 


Y ADMIN Summary of Katie Wood Ray what you know by heart, the book


1. Identify what subject you are exploring (including your focal play). Why is this subject interesting? What do you hope to discover?
2. Neatly summarize the plots, characters and themes of one play (not one which you describe in a Short Play Report).
3. Pick 3 different articles to summarize and evaluate:
1. You need a researchable topic or question, and 3 likely and substantial articles related to it. (Vary search terms & engines as needed. Appropriate websites or webpages: essays, reviews, history, definitions, etc. Not cinematographic background ‘news’ or mere reports of new movies.)
2. Give a full citation (MLA format) for each article. Cite EACH of your THREE sources fully: Web addresses are to be included–but they are NOT enough.
3. Summarize what each article says: what was its thesis statement or question, in what parts or steps did the author develop his thesis, and what kind of supporting evidence did he bring to bear? Summarize what is important about each webpage (–and its host website), including specifics on the topic and how it is developed, explanation of point of view and/or purpose, the format of the webpage, the quantity and quality of background links, and at least one distinctive example.
4. Then critique each article separately: what was interesting or well done in each essay, and what fell short of satisfying us? Critique the A) writing, B) usefulness, and C) informativeness of each article.
5. Post your reviews in 3 entries, with two bullets or numbered paragraphs in each entry.
6. Identify also, finally, which article is the best (and which the worst), and explain why.

tribalism Outline the efects of tribalism


Half Titration

Determining Ka by the
Half-Titration of a Weak Acid
A common analysis of a weak acid or a weak base is to conduct a titration with a base or acid of known molar concentration to help determine the equilibrium constant, Ka, for the weak acid or weak base. If this titration is conducted very carefully and very precisely, the results can lead to a valid approximation of an equilibrium constant. In this experiment, however, you will use a different technique to determine the Ka for a weak acid, acetic acid.
Your primary goal in this experiment is to calculate the Ka of acetic acid. The data that you will use to complete your calculations will come from the reaction of acetic acid with a solution of NaOH. Recall from your work with weak acid-strong base titrations that the point at which a reaction is half-titrated can be used to determine the pKa of the weak acid. In this experiment, the half-titration point will exist when you have added half as many moles of HC2H3O2 as moles of NaOH . Thus, OH– will have reacted with half of the HC2H3O2, leaving the solution with equal moles of HC2H3O2 and C2H3O2 –. At this point, according to the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation,
if there are equal moles of HC2H3O2 and C2H3O2 – at the half-titration point, then pKa is equal to the pH value of the solution.
In this experiment, you may find it surprising that you do not need to keep close track of the volume of NaOH titrant added, as you would in most titrations. It is also unusual to conduct a titration without plotting or analyzing a conventional titration curve. This is the nature of a half-titration; it is only important to know when equal amounts of OH– and HC2H3O2 have been added.CLICK HERE TO GET MORE ON THIS PAPER.....
In this experiment, you will
• Conduct a reaction between solutions of a weak acid and sodium hydroxide.
• Determine the half-titration point of an acid-base reaction.
• Calculate the Ka and pKa for the weak acid.
Figure 1
LabQuest 1.00 M sodium hydroxide, NaOH, solution
LabQuest App 1.00 M acetic acid, HC2H3O2, solution
Vernier pH Sensor phenolphthalein indicator solution
50 mL buret distilled water
buret clamp magnetic stirrer and stirring bar
250 mL beaker plastic Beral pipets
two ring stands utility clamp
1. Obtain and wear goggles.
2. Use a buret clamp to connect a 50 mL buret to a ring stand. Rinse and fill the buret with
1.00 M acetic acid solution. Handle the acetic acid with care. It can cause painful burns if it comes into contact with the skin.
3. Transfer precisely 25.0 mL of the acetic acid solution to a 250 mL beaker.
4. Use a plastic Beral pipet to remove a small volume of the acetic acid from the 250 mL beaker. Draw enough acetic acid into the pipet so that the bulb is about 1/4 full. Carefully set aside the pipet of acid, to be used later.
5. Add 1–2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator solution to the beaker of acetic acid.
6. Connect the pH Sensor to LabQuest and choose New from the File menu. If you have an older sensor that does not auto-ID, manually set up the sensor.
7. Obtain about 50 mL of 1.00 M NaOH solution. CAUTION: Sodium hydroxide solution is caustic. Avoid spilling it on your skin or clothing.
8. Begin the half-titration.
a. Place the beaker of acetic acid on a magnetic stirrer and add a stirring bar.
b. Set up a ring stand and clamp to hold the pH Sensor in place (see Figure 1). Position the pH Sensor in the beaker so that the tip of the probe is completely immersed.
c. Gently stir the acetic acid solution.
d. Do not start data collection. Monitor the pH of the reaction mixture on LabQuest.
e. Use a new plastic Beral pipet to slowly add the 1.00 M NaOH solution, in ~1 mL increments, to the beaker of acetic acid solution (see Figure 1).
9. Conduct the titration carefully. As the reaction approaches the equivalence point, at about pH 6, add the NaOH solution drop by drop. When you reach the equivalence point, the pH will increase rapidly and the indicator will change color. If necessary, add another drop of NaOH, so that the reaction is slightly past the equivalence point. Remember that the pH will not increase rapidly beyond the equivalence point (pH ~10).
10. Add all of the acetic acid from the Beral pipet, which you removed in Step 4, to the beaker of reaction mixture. Check the pH readings and observe the indicator color. The mixture should be slightly acidic once again.
11. Carefully add NaOH, drop by drop, to the beaker of reaction mixture, until you reach the equivalence point as precisely as possible. A very slight pink color of the phenolphthalein indicator is visible. This is your half-titrated solution, because you have neutralized precisely 25.0 mL of the original 50.0 mL of acetic acid that you measured out into the buret.
12. Transfer the remaining 25.0 mL of acetic acid from the buret to the 250 mL beaker of reaction mixture. Stir the solution in the beaker thoroughly. Read and record the pH of the solution in the beaker.
13. When you have finished the testing, dispose of the reaction mixture as directed. Rinse the pH Sensor with distilled water in preparation for a second trial. Repeat the necessary steps to test a new sample of the acetic acid solution.
Titration Results Trial 1 Trial 2
Equivalence point pH 8.68 8.25
pH of half-titrated solution 4.84 4.77
1. Calculate the pKa and Ka using the results of your testing.
2. Find the accepted values for the pKa and Ka of acetic acid. How well do the accepted values compare with your calculated values? Explain.
3. Explain why the pH at the half-titration point is equal to the pKa in your experiment.
4. Explain how this test could be done using only an indicator solution and no electronic means of measuring pH.

Academic and Professional Development (Summary and Critically Analyse)

What is a summary?
It is an overview of the research method.. was it a qualitative or a quantitative research? Pulling out the important points.. It’s like an abstract!
Please Summarise the first document which is under the name of (UNDERSTANDING STUDENT PLAGIARISM) in 250 words ONLY! (Only summarise the key findings and the methodology).
Then Analyse the work in 750 words ONLY! And do NOT summarise the journal again! However, compare and contrast the (Understanding student plagiarism) journal article with the other journal articles that I have attached on the topic .. please use them all and mention the authors names within the body paragraphs! and reference them well.
1. Summarise the paper IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Do not just repeat the abstract (250 words).
2. Critically analyse the paper’s purpose. You should aim to cover the following: What is being reported and why? What are its strengths? Are there any weaknesses? Was the methodology appropriate? What questions does it raise? How does it fit with current (after 2011) thinking on the subject of plagiarism?
Your critique must be underpinned with scholarly work and academic thinking. Do not base it on your own opinion or unverified internet sources. You must use appropriate citations in your text and list the references used, alphabetically, at the end of your critique, using MMUBS Harvard referencing (750 words). You must use formal academic English that is without abbreviations, colloquialisms or vernacular.
Please note this critique is not about the author’s ability to write an academic paper or how it is structured it is about the contents, the purpose and the strength of the research being reported.
Total word count – 1,000 words

Respondeat Superior

Discuss Respondeat Superior including the following components:
• Introduction that includes the thesis statement (Content criteria #1)
• Describe the meaning of the legal doctrine, Respondeat Superior. (Content criteria #2)
• Provide at least two examples of cases where the doctrine was applied and analyze whether or not the doctrine was applied fairly to each of the examples. (content criteria #3)
• Conclusion (included in #1)

Molar Solutions used in Nursing Profession

In your text in chapter 2 (Text Book ISBN#10:0-321-80928-9, 13:978-0-321-80928-5) it desribes how to make a molar solution and a solution that is a percentage mass by mass or a percentage volume by volume. Find a solution you will use in your occupation "Nursing Profession." Write the procedures for how you would make the solution and how you determined the numbers for the volumes or masses needed to make the solution. Describe if the solution’s concentration has units of M, %m/m, or %v/v. What is the solvent and what is the solute? Is the solvent polar, nonpolar, or ionic? Is the solute polar, nonpolar, or ionic? Is the solution an electrolyte, weak electrolyte, or nonelectrolyte?
Based on the description of your solution above how does the solution work in the system in which you will place it? What reactions, solubilities, or electrolytic properties become important in the system? How does limiting reactant, theoretical yield, actual yield, and percentage yield work in the system you are creating?

dramatic’ human condition

1. Analyze Nora’s problem, and Nora’s role in that problem. Use support from the play.
2. Analyze Ms. Warren’s problem, and determine its causes. Use support from the play.
3. What is the trick of ‘six characters who need (?) to search for an author’ — and why does Pirandello dramatize this ‘dramatic’ human condition?
4. What is the meaning of Wilson’s fences? Illustrate.
5. Which part of the reading or lecture is foggiest?

Earned Value Management

Paper instructions:
Review the following two ProQuest articles on the benefits of earned value management (EVM) practices and myths. In a two- to three-page paper (not including the title and reference pages), compare and contrast the similarities and differences of the project success stories and myths in both articles. Make sure to present clear examples from both articles to describe the real-world benefits of EVM. Conclude with a discussion of a project you have been involved with that could have improved with a detailed project cost control described in these articles.

Components of the Criminal Justice system

Paper instructions:
Considering this three components of the Criminal Justice system Law enforcement/investigation (police, CSI)
Penal/rehabilitation (prisons, parole, probation) which component of the three has the most difficult undertaking and why? If you were the “boss” for a day, what changes would you implement in that component to help make it more successful?
most chose one of this 3 components and answer the questions about that one component you chose. most be in APA and bobble spaceing


BS4S05 Developing the Professional Group Project Report 2013

Project description
Completion of Report
The document should comprise two separate elements
Part One Group Report : Project
A description of the event / activity and its execution as if to a client written and presented in formal business report style i.e. Structured, objective, third person
Part Two Group Report : Process
This document uses theory to critically analyse the performance of the group as a whole and of individuals within it. Cover page
This should include the following information:
Module Title
Project Title
Group name (if applicable)
Programme/Award title
Members enrolment numbersSection 1 – IntroductionThis section should focus on the aims and objectives of the project, which could be developed from your initial proposal. It should take into account any changes that were made to the outline in the proposal that were made as a direct result of feedback (formal and informal).
Details such as the date of project, where it was undertaken etc. should also be included in this section.
(300-500 words)Section 2 – Planning/methods stageThis should focus on the process by which you developed the project from its inception to completion. Attention should be made to the dates and could also focus on areas such as planning, negotiations, meetings etc (and where appropriate referencing theories associated with these issues).
Where applicable any secondary research undertaken in developing the project should also be included, including journals, magazines, web sites etc. but also any theoretical concepts brought in from other subject areas or previous knowledge obtained on other modules/courses.
(1000 – 1200 words)
Section 3 – Outcomes A complete evaluation of the project itself in terms of the success (or otherwise) of the project, including analysis of feedback received (can be qualitative or quantitative). It should also contain clear conclusions that are related to the feedback and any recommendations you may have in terms of how things could have been planned/organised more effectively.
(500 – 800 words)Part 2 – Group Process reportAn evaluation of the group’s and individual’s behaviours and attitudes during the course of the project. You should look at areas such as:
Group roles and dynamics – including Learning Styles, Belbin, Tuckman etc.
Conflict and conflict resolution (including negotiation)
Synergy – existence of or lack of
Communication process
Management and Leadership
The structure of the report can either be undertaken on a time basis or use the above as section headings.
(1000 – 1500 words)
TheoryYour narrative should be underpinned by appropriate theory eg Kolb, Belbin, Tuckman, Honey & Mumford etc etc
You should support all your evidence with appropriate references, cited and listed in accordance with Harvard conventions
AppendicesEach report should be supplemented by any materials that support the comments / descriptions / observations made in the reports.

Merchandising for store A&F in california

V. Merchandising
A. Has the retailer employed any techniques for achieving greater space productivity such as using the “cube”, downsizing gondolas and racks, minimizing no-selling space, etc?
B. Are there any displays that increase interest in the products being offered? If not, would you recommend any?
C. How has the retailer organized merchandise? What improvements could be made?


Is “brain dead” really dead?

Paper instructions:
1) discuss the technical aspects of one of the topics in general terms. Furthermore, you are to 2) discuss the public policy debates relevant to the topic you choose. This section should cover arguments that are in favor of and opposed to the use of the techniques or products. Finally, 3) express your personal opinion regarding the importance of the topic and the validity of the pro and con arguments. At least one reference must be a peer reviewed article from a profession journal.


1. The well-known historian Simon Schama once quipped that “1794 was just 1789 with a higher body count.” By this he meant that something about the French Revolutionary was inherently bloody and radical from its beginnings. By his account the Reign of Terror was neither a corruption of the original Revolutionary vision nor the outcome of events such as civil and foreign war, but rather the inevitable outcome of events. Using Sieyes’s 1789 pamphlet “What is the Third Estate?” and Robespierre’s 1794 speech “Principles of Political Morality” speech, examine whether there is any truth in what Schama has said. After first explaining Seiyes and Robespierre’s different historical and ideological contexts, consider their areas of difference and/or similarity. Questions you may want to consider include: What similarities and differences do we see in terms of how the nation is conceived and the policies necessary to defend it? Who are the enemies and what must be done with them?

Legal considerations

Course book: Verone, J. C. (2007). Legal considerations for fire and emergency services. Clifton Park, NY: Thomson Delmar Learning. Chapte
1: Types and Sources of Law Chapter 2: Courts and Court Systems
Essay Question Instructions Below:
Your answer to each written response
question should contain a minimum 200-300 word response. . You are required to use at least your textbook as source material for your
response. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying
Spelling and grammar will impact your grade. Make certain that all of your sources (including your text book) are referenced at
the end ofthe written response and that directly quoted information within your written response is cited to show the difference between
your ideas and the exact words of your sources.
General encyclopedia are not acceptable sources.
Examples include, but are not limited
to, Wikipedia, Encarta, and World Book.
Explain the
meaning of stare decisis and how it affects other courts in the same jurisdiction, as well as outside ofthe jurisdiction.

education is big business

Paper instructions:
The education profession is over riddled with clichés such as “education is big business,” “Education is a major user of the nation’s economic resources,” “Education is costing too much to the lower and middle class.” The challenge of distributing and spending tax revenues in an equal and fair manner is a challenge. Equity should not be considered synonymous with quality, as equality relates to treating everyone the same, whereas equity means treating one fairly. As Federal and State budgets are being reduced, as taxes are being held to a ceiling limit, revenue is not keeping up with the financial demands for running a school system. Despite these constant cuts and the impact on the school budgets across the nation, the issue of equality and equity are major concerns. To meet the challenge of funding schools equally, various patterns of financing education are emerging, but the fairness and equality is always an area of debate among taxpayers.
Activity Required Reading:
• Financing education in a climate of change. Chapters 3, 4
• School Finance: From Equity to Adequacy (2004)
Main Task:
Present a critique on the positive / negative fiscal trends and issues impacting in your state’s school funding formula and impacting local school budget. How can the problems identified be improved upon by a revised funding formula, which promotes fairness and equality among the tax payers.
Length: 5-7 pages
References: A minimum of 5 scholarly resources
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Review APA Form and Style.
• Analyze the importance of investing in education and utilizing local, state and Federal funds for the betterment of our future society.
• Evaluate equality in school spending.

Graphic Design and Communication

Any system or structure of visual communication sets limits and narrows possibilities. Consider Paul Martin Lester’s list of attributes of effective graphic design and Edward Tufte’s list of attributes of effective informational display. (I will uplaod the two texts). If you were to eliminate an attribute from one of these, which would you choose? What new attribute would you put in its place? Why these choices?

early and modern american prison eras

Write a critique of the reasons people were arrested and imprisoned in early and modern american prison eras. Do you think people were imprisoned fairly?


A frequent diagnosis of an observed performance problem in an organization is, “This person was a selection mistake.” What are the short- and long-term consequences of this so-called selection mistakes? If possible, relate this question to your own experiences with organizations. ?(1page)
?Be sure to cite your sources (at least two, other than the textbook) in APA style. Your researched response is due by Day 2. Interaction, discussion, and engagement with your peers are expected throughout the week.
An auto dealer has hired you to help improve the performance of its sales and service staff. Your first task is to conduct a needs analysis for the organization. Outline and describe what you will do. Then, provide examples of possible training and development activities that could be used to change or influence the knowledge, behavior, and attitudes of the staff. (1page)
??Be sure to cite your sources (at least two, other than the textbook) in APA style. Your researched response is due Day 4. Interaction, discussion and engagement with your peers are expected throughout the week.
QUESTION3 (weekly reflection base on question1 and 2)
lease take about ten to fifteen minutes to respond to the questions below about this week’s class. Thanks for taking the time to do this. What you write will help us make the class more responsive to your concerns.
1. At what moment in class this week did you feel most engaged with what was happening?
2. At what moment in class this week were you most distanced from what was happening?
3. What action that anyone (teacher or student) took this weekend did you find most affirming or helpful?
4. What action that anyone took this week did you find most puzzling or confusing?
5. What about the class this week surprised you the most? (This could?be about your own reactions to what went on, something that someone ?did, or anything else that occurs).(1page)
Adapted from Stephen D. Brookfield, Ph.D., used with permission. See
Provide a full-sentence outline of your Topic Paper, along with a summary of your interview with an HR Professional. Follow APA 6th edition format guidelines as you construct your outline and interview summary. For further guidance, go to the following link for information and examples of outlines.

CREDE Standards Reflected in Instructional Strategies for ELLs

Reflect on the CREDE standards for effective pedagogy, as presented by Dr. Roland Tharp. These standards emphasize the importance of the student/teacher relationship, types of interactions students have in the classroom, and nature of the curricular materials. Creating what Dr. Tharp calls a "CREDE classroom" can ensure that all of your students, including ELLs, have high-quality learning experiences. Further, this week’s Learning Resources present a wide variety of specific instructional strategies you can employ to foster the academic achievement of ELLs in your classroom. Examine the strategies presented in the course text, 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners, focusing specifically on how the approaches demonstrate the CREDE standards for effective pedagogy. Choose two strategies that you believe exemplify one or more of the CREDE standards, and think about how these strategies might be helpful for the students in your classroom.
With these thoughts in mind, follow the instructions below to post your response to this Discussion topic.
? Post a description of at least two strategies that you believe demonstrate one (or more) of the CREDE standards, explaining how you think the standard(s) can be met by using these strategies. Also, explain why you think these strategies will effectively support ELLs in your class and list any recommendations, questions, or concerns you might have for implementation.

analyses the current employment opportunities in your chosen career and field of professional practice

Writer must first download a program which will enable him/her to access the actual assignment. Should take about 4 minutes. Begin by going to this link
First time logging in it will send you to the previous page showing "You are already registered for the course associated with this access key’" Do not worry, just repeat and login again using the same information. Once logged in Download "SimUText Installer" to your respective windows or mac Once downloaded use the same login information in order to log into the program Once in click on "LAB: Isle Royale (WB)" Once in a "Getting Started" window should pop up and click on "Open workbook" With this pdf file only focus on pages 8-14 (You may need to read the previous pages to understand how to navigate through the program). Submit your responses to all of the questions in Exercise 1 and Exercise 2. You do not need to submit your responses to Exercise 3 or the Extension Exercise. Your responses, including any indicated graphs, diagrams, or tables, should be compiled in a single MS Word. Due no later than Monday October 7th at 10:00 AM.

Public Sphere

Describe the role and function of the "public sphere" according to Jurgen Habermas and Nancy Fraser in the recent passing of "Marriage for All" legislation in France. How would these thinkers account for the emergence of the "Demonstrations for All" (Manif pour tous) movement?
(The demonstrators are actually wanting to form a political party)
Please use the texts in the links below:
Nancy Fraser: