Saturday, March 23, 2013

You will select an article on a topic from Evolutionary Anthropology (a list of possible topics are listed below). Select an article from one of the following journals: Evolutionary Anthropology, Human Nature, American Journal of Human Biology, or Evolution and Human Behavior. The article must have been published within the last 5-6 years (so, aim for 2007-2013). This paper will be 2 to 3 pages, 12 pt Times New Roman, and double-spaced font. Please use either APA or AAA formatting guidelines for your bibliography.Let Us Help You Today !! Order Now....

You are expected to cover the following points:

First paragraph: Restate (in your own words) what seems to be the thesis statement of the article, i.e., the hypothesis being tested, the theory being examined, and/or the goal of the article. This should be located within the first few pages. Why do you think this paper was published?
Second/third paragraphs: Briefly explain the methods used by the authors to test the hypothesis. Also mention their main findings, and provide a 1-2 sentence statement on their conclusions.
Fourth paragraph: Provide a quote from the article that you find interesting, and translate it into your own words. Tell me why you selected this quote (e.g. it is confusing, you agree/disagree with the author(s), etc.)
Fifth/Sixth/Seventh paragraphs: Provide a critique of the article. Since evolutionary theory is new to you, you can discuss aspects that did not make sense to you. Also discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the article. Did the authors use good methods to test their hypotheses? Should they have tested the hypotheses differently? Could there possibly be another explanation to explain the results? These are just a few questions to get you started. This section of the paper is where you need to demonstrate critical thinking skills, so think outside the box!
Submit your essay as an attachment to the Essay 2 drop box in the Essays folder to the left.

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***Please also attach the article you read along with your essay.***

Listed are a few topics you can consider; however this is by no means an exhaustive list:

-Kin Selection
-Evolutionary Psychology
-Theory of Mind
-Parental Investment

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