Sunday, March 10, 2013

Order Description

How does teacher efficacy affect student performance? What is the correlation between teacher efficacy and student performance?

Teacher efficacy will be measured by: (a)student ratings, (b) peer ratings, (c) self-evaluation, (d) videos, (e) student interviews, (f) administrator ratings, (g) teaching scholarship, (h) teaching awards,
(i) learning outcome measures, and (j) teaching portfolios and others

Student performance will be measured by performance on standardized tests.

Independent variable: Teacher efficacy
Dependent Variable: Student performance

Components of the research study:
1. Abstract (written after the entire proposal has been completed).
2. Introduction- 2-3 paragraphs. Introduce the proposed study, the problem toward which the research will be directed and present background material.
3. Review of the Literature (10-15 research articles/10-12 pages). Critical analysis of prior studies. Well-organized presentation of the studies. Detailed description of the studies most relevant. ! important issue that has not been addressed by the literature. A vigorous defense of, or rationale for the hypothesis.
4. Method- Must be done in enough detail so that the reader can replicate the experiment. Subjects. Apparatus/Instruments/Measures. Procedure.
5. Discussion: a hypothetical discussion of what it would mean if future data is consistent with the hypothesis. what it would mean if inconsistent. Any educational implications or applications. Any Theoretical applications
6. Annotated bibliography.

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