Monday, May 13, 2013

Philosophy paper

1.  Christopher Jencks considers several rules that his Ms. Higgins could use to guide the use of her attention. Which of the rules he considers do you think is best, and why?

2. Philippe does not have ADD or ADHD or any other kind of condition that affects his concentration. He purchases Adderall from his roommate, who has a prescription, in order to concentrate better on his Organic Chemistry final exam. As a result of the Adderall he gets an AB on the course, rather than a B. Has he done anything wrong? Explain why, or why not.

3. Milton Friedman argues that capitalism is the best economic system available. Explain his argument, and consider two objections.

4. Suppose the State were considering introducing a voucher system for the schools in your home town, roughly modeled on the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program. Would you argues in favor of, or against, it, and what arguments would you make?

5. Suppose I uncover a plot to set off a bomb that would destroy a city. Only I am in position to foil the scheme. Doing so, however, would cost me my life. I may choose, of course, to sacrifice myself and thereby save thousands of others. But am I morally obligated to do so?


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