Friday, July 12, 2013

Fiske (2010) and observational studies

(Test Questions 1 – 7 are from Chapter 12)
1. According to Fiske (2010) and observational studies, naturally interacting groups typically include how many members?
a. 3-5
b. 1-4
c. 2-6
d. 4-8
2. Fiske (2010) discusses how social psychologists define groups, and three approaches to doing so. Fiske defined three approaches to the unique emergent properties of a group. They are:
a. Perceived volition, biological hierarchy, and interpersonal processes.
b. Perceived entitativity, perceived volition, and actual behavior.
c. Actual behavior, evolutionary transition, and form organisms.
d. Perceived entitativity, perceived volition, and evolutionary transition.
3. What three main motives have formed the core of small group research and have seemed to capture people’s main motives for participating in group interaction?
a. Belonging, understanding, and controlling
b. Id, ego, and superego
c. Monetary gain, prestige, and control
d. Internal drive, external drive, and thought stimulation
4. People join groups in part because they become attracted to groups at a social level that differs from attraction to the individual group members.
a. True
b. False
5. When looking at factors related to diversity, according to Fiske (2010), identifying with a diverse group is harder, possibly due to the following:
a. Animosity between members from different classes may exist.
b. The bridge of conflict is too hard to fill the greater the difference between group members.
c. The group is a less clearly defined entity.
d. It is harder to define elements leading to social attraction.
6. In joining groups, what are the five potential stages that unfold over time and vary in degree of commitment?
a. Research, comparison, recreation, cohesiveness, and productivity
b. Investigation, socialization, reforming, storming, and performing
c. Investigation, socialization, maintenance, resocialization, and remembrance
d. Research, comparison, commitment, reformulation, and cohesiveness
7. In ongoing interactions, another kind of psychological state also matters, namely people’s transitory thought and feelings. This ability to judge another person’s short-term state is called:
a. The Rhode Island Syndrome
b. Reliable methodology
c. Shared dream imagery
d. Empathic accuracy
(Test Questions 8 – 14 are from Chapter 11):
8. As regards Belonging, people maintain biases toward outgroups partly to do what?
a. Cements ties within their ingroups.
b. Research has shown after the age of 35, it is too difficult to change processed mental structures.
c. Cement conflict within the groups for their own personal gain.
d. Builds ego endurance as they demonstrate their individual value to the group.
9. Collectively, stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination are all biases because treating the individual as an exact representation of the group is never accurate.
a. T
b. F
10. Which term would best define the following: “A preconceived cognitive expectancy of one individual based off of their group identity.” The key thought here is that it is an expectancy of that individual.
a. Stereotype
b. Discrimination
c. Prejudice

d. Narcolepsy
11. Which term would best define the following: “An emotional reaction to an individual based on one’s feelings about the group as a whole.” The key thought here is that this is an emotional reaction.
a. Stereotype
b. Discrimination
c. Prejudice
d. Narcolepsy
12. Which term would best define the following: “A negative action / behavior against an individual member of a certain group based off of predetermined expectancy or feelings of that particular group.” The key thought here is that these perceptions are put into action.
a. Stereotype
b. Discrimination
c. Prejudice
d. Narcolepsy
13. Related to cool and indirect biases, it has been noted that in both Europe and the United States, people scored low on both subtle forms of prejudice and blatant forms of prejudice. Meaning that somehow, educating individuals on prejudice has significantly reduced both forms.
a. True
b. False
14. The summary of Subtle Biases is defined by the following three terms:
a. Categorical, reformable, and avoidant
b. Convergent, divergent, and submergent
c. Automatic, ambiguous, and ambivalent
d. Ignorance, blame, and denial
(Test Questions 15 – 20 are from Chapter 13):
15. Which term best describes Social Influence in broad terms:
a. Any changes in behavior, group membership, or conflict styles.
b. Any changes in beliefs, attitudes, or behavior that results from interpersonal interaction.
c. Any influential behaviors that cause a group to redefine their purpose.
d. Any influential behaviors that cause a group to redefine who they view as acceptable group members.
16. Which term best fits the following: “______________ is more obvious when people under group pressure answer in ways they would not ordinary answer.”
a. Controlling
b. Compliance
c. Obedience
d. Conformity

17. The famous Social Psychological study first conducted by Milgram in 1964, mostly studied which term below?
a. Controlling
b. Compliance
c. Obedience
d. Conformity
18. Which term best fits the following: “______________ research focuses on people’s attempt to get someone else to do something.”
a. Controlling
b. Compliance
c. Obedience
d. Conformity
19. The classic studies conducted by both Sherif and Asch looked to mostly study the following:
a. Controlling
b. Compliance
c. Obedience
d. Conformity
20. Which theorist is credited for designing the single most famous study of obedience: A simple, yet elegant paradigm for studying obedience to malevolent authority in the 60s?
a. Milgram
b. Asch
c. Sherif
d. Zimbardo
21. Status is defined best by the following statement:
a. Possessing more money than others in your group.
b. Having a high position in a hierarchy.
c. The name of a 1980s band who toured with the Social Psychotics.
d. That thing that many people cling to.
22. According to classic social psychologists, which of the following is not one of the 5 noted forms of power:
a. Reward power
b. Coercive power
c. Legitimate power
d. Controlled power
23. “Referent power” is best defined by the following:
a. Authority stemming from knowledge.
b. One who is in the role of an authority figure and is actively exercising their power.
c. When people identify with the authority figure/s who they perceived to be legitimate experts.
d. The type of deodorant a successful referee buys.
24. The name of your instructor is:
a. Ma’am
b. Cool chick
c. Dr. Elisa Magill
d. “Um”


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